Chapter 8: The Duel

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                       Silent heard the screams of death outside and the crackle of fire. A man ran in and closed the door behind him and silent and the man's eyes locked. The fires started to enter from under the door. "I'm not gonna let you guys go out like this." The man said and grabbed the keys from the wall. He walked over to Silents cell first and unlocked it. Silent and the others ran out of the cell and waited for the him to get the others. After everybody was out of their cells they heard the sound of moving metal. They turned and a man busted through the door. The man donned a full suit of power armor. He walked over to them and saluted to Jake. "It's been a while sergeant Jake." He said as he saluted to him. "Who are you?" Jake asked him as the soldier slowly took off his helmet. Then it revealed a burnt face and Jake Didn't recognize him at all. "It's me Jake. It's Keller." He said to him and Jake started to recognize him. "It can't be. You died at the factory." He said not completely excepting it yet. "I was found by a group called THE EQUALIZER'S and they brought me back to life." He said as two more men with power armor came in. "Jesse, coal. We got some friendlies." He said and the two nodded to him and they prepared to move out. They grabbed any weapon they could find and went towards the door. Then they heard the sound of moving metal and they looked at the ground. Then a piece of metal was moved and a man came out. Jake realized it was Hunter and he helped him up. "We have to go the fire is spreading fast." Hunter said and he was about to jump in when Jake grabbed his his sleeve. "How did the fire start?" Jake asked him and Hunter turned to face him. "The Russians threw Molotov cocktails over the wall." Hunter informed him and then jumped back into the hole. Everybody including The Equalizers and the rebel jumped into the hole and followed it to the exit. They emerged and they looked at the rising sun. They had a few jeeps waiting and they got in.

                      They drove towards the burning prison to find their Russian allies and they drove up. There was six Russians and six men in power armor waiting on the tank with them. The soldiers all stood up and walked to the Jeeps and got in. One of the Americans looked at the man in power armor that sat next to him. The man looked back at him and he looked away. Then he looked at the trees they drove past and the American looked at him again. "Why do you keep staring at me?" The man told him still looking at the trees. "I-I just never seen the power armor in person." He told him and the man in power armor looked straight at him. "You can try it on if you want." He offered as he looked ahead of the Jeep. "S-sure." He said as they reached the radio tower and they parked. The two men walked off to try the power armor and a couple others went to watch. 

                           Silent started to walk to the barracks inside the tower and he put his stuff down. "Well, well, well look who decided to join us." a voice said as he felt someone grab each of his arms. They lifted him off the ground as Russ walked over. Silent raged quietly as he took off all of  his guns and knifes. Silent looked at the two that held his arms. They each wore power armor and he knew he couldn't get away. "Drop him." Russ said and the two rebels dropped him on the ground. Silent stood up and Russ tossed him a machete. "To see who is worthy of victory." He said and pulled out his own machete. The two circled each other slowly and thinking their plans out. Silent slashed at Russ's legs but he jumped over it. Russ parried and silent backed up from the attack. Silent attacked downward with both hands and Russ put his arm in the way. The machete was know imbedded into his arm and Russ knew what to do. As silent tried to pull the machete out Russ parried and stabbed silent in the chest. Silent gasped and fell on his side. He breathed heavily as Russ knelt down next to him. "Looks like you lose son." He told him and then silent stabbed Russ in the shoulder with his machete. He staggered back and the machete stayed in his shoulder. Silent then pulled out the machete in his chest and stood up. Russ pulled the machete out of his shoulder and stood as well. "You go perseverance I'll give you that. Alas you will still die." He said and ran at Silent. Silent deflected his swing and jabbed at him. He stabbed silent in the leg and stabbed his arm and kicked him to the ground. "You are weak! You should have died at the factory! You did nothing to help your allies!" He yelled at him as he walked closer to Silent. Silent dragged himself to the wall as Russ stabbed his arm and stabbed through the wall. Silent tried to get away but the machete stoped him. "You will never accomplish anything!" He said to him as he picked up the other machete. He sent his machete towards silents head and he closed his eyes knowing he will die. Then he felt nothing and heard the sound of metal on metal. Silent opened his eyes and saw a metal arm in the way of his face. The arm pushed the machete away and the man in power armor moved into his line of sight. Russ watched as his own soldier saved the enemy. "What are you doing?!" He yelled as loud as he could. "What we should of done long ago." Said the other man in power armor and pushed Russ. He took his machete and threw it on the ground. "You will die for your crimes against America!" The man said and took out his 10mm pistol and brought it to the side of Russ's head. He pulled the trigger and the bullet entered through his skull and brain and out the other side. Russ fell onto the ground dead and the man fired two more bullets into his head.

                      Jake heard the gunshots and ran to the barracks and ran in. He saw silent on the ground with a machete in his shoulder and two men in power armor. Jake ran at the man knelt beside silent and leaped at him. The man grabbed his arm and lifted him off the ground. "We are on your side. He said and turned him towards Russ's dead body. The man dropped Jake on the ground and Jake ran to silent. He picked him up and took him to the make shift hospital. The men in power armor followed behind as well. 

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