Chapter 1

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As the sky turns dark and the calmness of the city reaches its peak a girl is lost. She has been walking for hours, and no longer knows the way back home.

One might ask 'Why is she just walking?', and the answer to that question is very simple. She's looking for people. The streets are completely empty, there have been no signs of life these past few hours.

Just as the girl is about to stop due to the ache in her feet she sees light. A big illuminated screen with the words 'This way to the game arena →'. This strikes her as odd, since there has been no electricity since the people disappeared.

Out of curiosity she decides to follow the arrow, perhaps it could lead her to something important. It's not a very long walk, maybe five minutes, but it has a lot of twists and turns.

Once she arrives at the destination, a school, she sees a small group of people, six to be exact. They are standing outside of the entrance and each have a phone in hand. On a table in the middle of the group there seems to be a single phone waiting.

The girl walks towards it, and just as she is about to pick it up a voice speaks up.

"Excuse me, but do you know where all the people in Tokyo went?", the voice comes from behind her, sounding small and scared. She turns around and is met by a highschooler with an exhausted but curious expression. Her hair is tied in a ponytail with bangs framing her face nicely.

"No.", is the answer she gets. It's the truth, and the girl as of now does not feel the need to indulge in a conversation. Instead she turns back around and picks the phone up. She puts it up to her face, and a robotic voice from the phone says "Facial recognition complete."

Right when the phone finishes its sentence a big screen above the double doors displays the image of a card. Eight of hearts. Underneath it the word 'blot' is written.

The image quickly gets changed out for a set of rules:

You will get seven cards

A round consists of every player placing one card on the table

A set consists of seven rounds

Before a set you will secretly write down how many rounds you think you will win

How to win a round:

The one who thought they would win the most starts the set

You have to place the same color as the first card of the round if you have it

Otherwise you may place whatever

You win by placing the highest card

The next round will be started by the winner of the previous one

How to clear a set:

Win as many rounds as you wrote

The game will continue for six rounds

The amount of cards will decrease every round


You get points every time you clear a set

The points reflect the amount of rounds you won

0 = 10, 1 = 11, 2 = 12, 3 = 13, 4 = 14, 5 = 15, 6 = 16, 7 = 17

You win the game by getting fourth place when all of the points are counted in the end

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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