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The Next Day everyone one is on the board walk to have fun and the boys had something planned.
Vinny: how you doing today gin
Gianna: good i'm happy there is no drama so far
Vinny: yea let's hope nothing bad happens
After the group goes on some rides Sam and Ron leave for a date
Sam: bye guys
everybody: Bye see you soon
Vinny: Who's hungry
Pauly: i can eat
Mike: yea i'm hungry
Jenni: mee too
Everyone made a decision on where to eat
Pauly: hey gin
Gianna: yea
Pauly: What a piggy bank ride
Gianna: Yess!
Pauly gets low so Gianna can get on his back
Gianna: Vinny you should ask Snooki if you can give her a piggy back ride
Vinny: no
Gianna: ok then
After they get there and everyone sits down they are looking at the menu
The Seats : Pauly,Gianna, Snooki,Vinny,Jenni,Mike,Angelina
Everyone is talking and having fun, talking
Pauly: hey gin you what a piggy ride back home
Gianna: sure
Vinny: awww the start to a long journey of love
Gianna: Shut up vin
After everyone is done eating and they pay then Pauly picks up Gianna without a warning
Gianna: aaaa Pauly!
Pauly: what (with a little laugh)
Gianna: you scared me
Pauly: sorry babes
Gianna: Babes?
Pauly: that's your nickname for me to call you
Snooki: awww
After they get back home everyone what to play a game
Gianna: let's play truth or dare
Girls: yesss!
Angelina walk in after walking back from her shift at the t-shirt shop and no one said a thing to her
Angelina: What are you guys doing
Sam and ron walk in just getting back from there date
Sam: what you guys playing
Gianna: Truth or Dare
Sam: can i play
Snooki: of course
Vinny: Ron you what to join
Ron: sure
Angelina: HELLO can you guys hear me
Sam: there don't what to talk to i think
Angelina: now there just showing there toxic side now wow i see
Gianna: Toxic? bitch your the toxic one here
Angelina: how am i the toxic one here
Vinny: you make drama out of everything you see or hear
Mike: you target people in the house
Jenni: you switch sides so you don't look bad
Snooki: you act like you're the victim
Ron: you don't tell the truth about the situation
Sam: you are two faced
Pauly: you try to make problems in relationships and friendships
Gianna: there's more to that if you what us to keep going
Angelina: screw you guys i'm leaving
Gianna: what me to help
The Girls: us too
Angelina: fuck you guys
Ron: i'll call the cab
Vinny,Pauly,Mike,Snooki,Gianna,Sam and Jenni start to laugh
Angelina: Have a great week everyone (as she walks out the door with her things and gets in the cab)
Everyone start to cheer and laugh
Pauly: Gianna can i ask you something
Gianna: sure
Everyone stopped talking and went dead silent so they can hear
Pauly: will you be my girlfriend
Gianna: Yess (jumping in Pauly's arms)
Everyone started to cheer but then everyone hears yelling up stairs it's from Sam and Ron
Gianna: sam what's going on
Sam: Ron just does not care about me at all (she says through her tears
Gianna gives sam a hug to help calm her down
After a few Minutes
Snooki: let's move you bed down to our room ok sam
Sam: let's do it
Gianna: let me help you guys
Jenni: i will go make room down there
Gianna+Snooki+Sam: ok
After getting Sam's  thing down to the girls room
Jenni: how did this all start
Sam: it was after truth or dare we went to his room and i found a notebook with girls number and it had dates of when he got it and he had one from today and i asked him about it then we started to argue
Snooki: sorry girl
Gianna: that's not cool
Jenni: that's sick and we leave tomorrow

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