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C H A P T E R  S I X - D R E A M

Alicia's eyes open and she gasps as adrenaline courses through her veins. She sits up and her eyes frantically searches her surroundings. Confusion and horror immediately fill her being as she realises that she is on her bed. Not only is she on her bed, she's in her bedroom.

She removes the covers from her exposed legs and runs to the large mirror situated in her room. Her eyes frantically searchers her face and exposed skin for any sign of bruises. She runs over to her window and quickly draws the curtain back. She slides up the window and pokes her head from it. She peers down and panic begins to overtake her. There her car stood. Parked In its designated spot. Completely unscathed.

There's absolutely no way. Alicia sits on the edge of her bed and rubs the sweat from her forehead as her brain begins to scatter. Had this all been a dream? It felt so real. She isn't able to wrap her head around anything that's been happening lately. She felt completely deranged and feared for what was to come.

An agitated breath emits from her pink plump lips. Disregarding the entire ordeal as a terrible nightmare, she lazily trudges over to her bathroom and begins to run herself a bath. All she needed was to relax and forget about her troubles.

As the bathtub fills, she strips herself of her sleeping shorts and top, fills the water with some vanilla scented bubble bath and climbs in. Sighing as the warm water instantly soothes her aching limbs, Alicia tilts her neck back and shuts her eyes as she feels the burn of her tired eyes begin to settle. The nightmare had taken most of her energy. She places her arms on the rim of the tub and lets herself drift into a somber state of utter relaxation.

Alicia sits at the back of a red pick up truck. She swings her feet back and forth as she stares in complete awe of the beautiful scenery before her. The truck was positioned at the top of the great Roslyn hill. Her hazel irises peered over the town and large mountains and she smiles brightly. She feels the truck dip slightly and she turns to see Michael sitting down beside her. He gives her a can of beer and she chuckles slightly as she takes it.

"You're so romantic." She says sarcastically as she playfully rolls her eyes.

Michael chuckles and shakes his head as he reaches behind him. He lifts the thin blanket and pulls out a brown picnic basket. He places it in between the two of them and raises his right eyebrow at his beautiful companion.

"You were saying?"

"Ha ha." She once again rolls her eyes and slightly nudges him. Michael laughs and stands to his feet. He swiftly brings Alicia into his arms and spins her around. She gasps as she drops the beer from her hands and wraps them tightly around the blondes neck. The can falls on the grass and begins to spill in the very front of them. Alicia frowns.

"Michael stop." She tightens her grip on his neck and flinches. "Stop Michael. You're at the edge."

Michael laughs as she places her face into his neck. Not at all wanting to look over the edge of the large hill. He spins her once more and she begins to get upset. Michael's laughter dies down and he stares her in the eyes.

"You really think that I'd drop you?" He questions as he slowly lets her down to stand on her converse covered feet.

She scowls as she turns and makes her way to the front of the truck. She heads for the passenger side door, but Michael beats her to it. He places his large hand on the door and grabs her waist. He backs her up onto the trucks side and she sighs as she is made to look up at him by his tender grip on her chin.

"Alicia." He calls out and leans down to place a tender kiss on the crook of her neck.

Alicia's breath hitches as she lets out a small breath. She bites down on her bottom lip and turns her head to look elsewhere. Michael smiles at her shyness and places her hand on her chin once more. He turns her head so that their eyes once again reunite.

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