Chapter Thirty Eight: Founding II

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X-Factor Higher Ups

  So far, there were only three of the five higher ups present in this room. Ada scoffed when she also came to the conclusion of not everyone being here. "Great... They aren't even here to attend their own meeting..." Ada proclaimed to the other two in the room. "They are always busy organizing themselves. Especially Amara, having to clean up the mess Petiot left behind." Lev explained to the younger woman with one hand the knuckle of his finger to his cheek while his other hand stood out. "Careful what you say about our allies... One misspeak and we lose vital assets." Mael's voice boomed more in the room than it had done so in their previous meeting.

  Ada let out a loud, annoying exhale. Such a big sigh for a big ego, "What did those two even want to discuss about? They organized all of this, and for what?" She shook her head as her brows furrowed, her right hand stuck out asking for answers. "Those two most likely wanted to further discuss Petiot's experiments." Mael's explanation was the most likely answer to why the two main frenemies wanted this meeting. >Yet they never come to their own meeting...< Lev let out an exasperated sigh, his knuckle dug deeper into his cheek as gravity pulled it.

  Lev took out a cigar, lighting it and puffing out smoke. Ada was judgmental of this, her eyes flicking up and down at the action as she fiddled with her nails, bored and irritated of wasting her time. Mael's eyes were shut tight, concentrating on his own thoughts. Wrinkles above his eyes, whatever he was thinking of, it might even come to life with how enunciated his wrinkles were.



  Sia was allowed to explore the facilities of wherever the hell she was, although the only restraint on her was some supervisors watching her movement. The young girl's heart raced as her eyes darted from one side to another, many workers passed by, talking, looking at their schedules, some eyes were on her for a few seconds while others didn't bother.

  There was a small commotion nearby, but when Sia looked back to see what was happening, her supervisors influenced her forward to not look at what was happening. From what little she saw it seemed to be just a little argument between two workers. Her supervisors led her back to her room, in the small timespan she spent here it has been fine overall.

  The room she was currently placed in was more lively than it was when she was first taken here. Instead of a blank slate, there were plastic flowers posted on the wall, desks accompanied a bed in the far corner, there was even a small closet on the opposite side partnered with a mirror long enough to fit Sia's entire body.

  Once she fully settled back into captivity, her supervisors left her there by herself. All to be 'interrogated' about her older brother. The atmosphere shifted, the business of the halls was nowhere to be felt in this small area. This room was meant for her, it was designed based off of her. She half waddled half speed-walked to her bed, it has been a very long tiring day of answering questions, and walking around the building. The thought of sleeping was a very pleasant thought for her; the moment Sia closed her eyes she immediately fell into a peaceful slumber.





6 Years Ago, Playground

One swingset and one girl.

  Sia sat there, her legs rocking back and forth, influencing the swings motion to swing back and forth. Her head hung downwards, exhaustion and depression plastered across her face like a mask. It has been two weeks since her mother's passing. It was only a glimpse, but she saw what laid before her, she remembered the scene that was quickly shut off by Jay's hand.

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