New house

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Yunho glared at Seongwha and Hongjoong as he pushed the last of his boxes into the car and slammed the trunk down. Seongwha looked back at him, a little surprised. He knew this wasn't ideal but he had not expected this, especially from Yunho.

"I want the middle seat!" Wooyoung whined.

"No, it's mine!" San argued, pushing Wooyoung into the left seat. Hongjoong peeked into the car, separating the two of them.

"Wooyoung, you come up here and sit on the left. San, you sit in the back on the right. Yeosang and Jongho will sit in the middle seats" Hongjoong decided for them, buckling Wooyoung in and lifting Jongho into the car and buckling him in also.

The time has finally come; the family of eight were moving into a bigger house. After the millionth fight between San, Wooyoung and Jongho on sharing a room, Seongwha and Hongjoong had realized that having only three rooms wasn't working anymore.

"Is everyone buckled?" Seongwha turned in his seat to look at the kids. Hongjoong was driving the moving truck with Yunho and Mingi.

"Yep" Yeosang nodded, checking the others. They all gave him a thumbs up and Seongwha started driving to the new house. He really hoped this went well.

"Where are the kids?" Hongjoong questioned, unpacking the last box in the kitchen. The whole house was now unpacked and making the place feel more homely. Seongwha waved him over, smiling. Hongjoong joined him and smiled too. Yunho, Mingi, San, Yeosang, Wooyoung and Jongho were all asleep on the living room floor, cuddled up together in a big pile.

"Are we doing the right thing? Trying to raise them, you don't think they'd be better in another home?" Seongwha wondered.

"Of course not. Nothing is more special than family. We can do this, Seongwha. We'll do it together and we'll probably mess up a million times. But those boys have our love and that's what matters" Hongjoong wrapped an arm around Seongwha's waist. Seongwha put his arm on Hongjoong's shoulders.

"I'm glad we're doing this together" Seongwha whispered. Hongjoong laid his head on Seongwha's shoulder in response. Wooyoung yawned and looked at them. He got up and ran over, squeaking when Hongjoong picked him up and kissed his head.

"Hey bud. How was the nap?" Hongjoong ruffled Wooyoung's hair.

"It was okay. San squeezes kind of tight" Wooyoung grumbled. Hongjoong laughed and kissed the side of his head again.

"Hey why don't you go start unpacking your room before your brother gets to it first?" Seongwha suggested. Wooyoung nodded as Hongjoong set him down and he ran off to his new room with Yeosang. The other boys slowly woke up and went to their rooms also to unpack.

"Do you think we'll like it here?" Yeosang came in, yawning as he threw his suitcase on the bed.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to" Wooyoung shrugged. Yeosang nodded, putting his clothes away. Wooyoung was right. They would have to like it there.

Yunho-12. Seongwha's brother
Mingi-11. Hongjoong's brother
San-9. Seongwha's brother
Yeosang-8. Seongwha's brother
Wooyoung-8. Hongjoong's brother
Jongho-6. Hongjoong's brother

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