Final part

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Logan decided to leave the same day with Skylar cause she was not feeling it and she was not having the best time at all either so Kendall was going to stay with Luna cause she was being a very good girl and loved all of the attention that she was getting from uncle Carlos and aunt Alexa as well

"Sorry Los I wish Skylar opened up more to Ocean and wasn't such a Debby downer" Logan says as he was loading up the van to go to the airport to go back home and he was going to work with Skylar one on one a little bit more maybe hopefully then they could come back to Hawaii and try it again maybe later on when she was older and she opened up more then what she did to him

"That's fine Luna is a great baby and Kendall can stay with her while you go back home and see what is going on with Skylar as well" Carlos says to him as he was loading his and Skylar luggage up in the van cause he was not going to ruin Luna vacation while her sister wants to ruin the fun

Logan gets Skylar all buckled in and they head to the airport to fly back home to see what is going on with her and why she was like this right now cause he hated to see her like this


Logan gets the luggage and Skylar out of the van and they up to the check in counter to see about a flight back home to Los Angeles and he was going to spend some one on one time with her just to see if it's jealousy or what with her cause he has to figure this out no matter what right now

"Okay princess daddy has our flight booked we have to head to the gate and get on our flight to go back home and we are going to be doing some fun activities together and hopefully that breaks you out of your shell princess cause daddy hates to see you like this right now" Logan says as he was taking her down to the gate so they could board the plane to go home once again

Logan was going to book Kendall and Luna flight when they were ready to come home and that was not going to be for awhile cause Luna was having the time of her life with uncle Carlos and aunt Alexa and her cousins as well


"Here we go baby girl we are going to board the plane" he says as he was pushing her on the plane but she had to get out so they could fold up her stroller for the flight

Logan unbuckles her and gets her out of the stroller to go find their seat and he put her in her seat and she didn't want to sit there at all she wanted to stand

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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