The Confession

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After a few more days of doing everything together, including toilet breaks, Roblox R felt like it could no longer hide his feelings...
"Kat...I-I need to tell you something..." he slowly said to her after they traded another kid on adopt me.
"Y-Yes Roblox R...?" she could feel herself getting slightly nervous...She's never seen Roblox R this nervous, What was wrong?
"I...I really like you...I know it's weird for a human minor to date a full grown Roblox T-shirt but...I can't ignore what my heart wants any longer..."
"O-Omg Roblox R...I...I really love you too...!" she said as her face flushed red with blush...
"So...does this mean we're...y'know...together now?"
"Of course it does my dear Roblox R."

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