The Sea of Monsters

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From the next chapter on is the sea of monsters,  I was going to do chapters in between of Alex living with her mom and Percy but  I decided that would take too long and I wanted to get straight into the next book so here is a little run through.

Alex moved into 'The Jacksons' apartment for the school year and moved into Smelly Gabe's old room after they spent a few weeks disinfecting it. 

Percy and Alex start acting more like siblings with the occasional sibling bickering. 

Alex is back to being best friends with Annabeth and they e-mail when they can. 

No one has been in contact with Grover since he started his journey. 

Alex still feels bad about everything that happened with Luke and she wants to help him somehow. 

Alex starts school for the first time and doesn't like it at all.  

Percy and Alex get bullied which is usual for Percy but Alex doesn't like it and wants to use her powers but Sally doesn't let her. 

The twins become friends with a 'mortal' named Tyson and they all get bullied together, which is hard because Tyson is really sensitive. 

Alex gets PTSD from the bullying because it reminds her of the orphanage, she doesn't tell anyone but Sally feels something is different. 

The next chapter starts with the twins having a nightmare, getting ready for the last day of school and Sally saying some shocking news.

Words: 243

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