𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

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The palace's vast halls were lined with elegant drapes that portrayed virtuous and rich settings. Steps of marble held aloft the high ceilings that reverberated with the footfall of people who walked over its floor. The polished flooring gleamed with the warm glow of golden sconces lining the walls, and the air was filled with the fragrant aroma of exotic flowers.

Amidst this regal splendor strode a man whose presence commanded attention. Dressed in attire befitting his status, Izan Kaiserherz, the crowned prince of Moonvein, exuded dominance, authority, and power with every step. His bearing was regal, his gaze steely as he made his way through the hallways, his purpose evident to all who beheld him.

As he neared the grand doors guarded by two imposing royal guards, they straightened, their expressions solemn as they recognized the prince. With a respectful bow, they parted to allow him passage, their deference a testament to his station.

Upon entering the throne room, Izan's eyes fell upon the figure seated upon the ornate throne. Empress Desdemona, she exuded an aura of authority and power that rivaled even his own. Her presence filled the room, her gaze piercing as she regarded the prince who had returned to her realm after a prolonged absence.

"Izan," she greeted, her voice carrying the weight of her station. "It is good to see you return to Moonvein."

"My Empress, it is an honor as always." Izan's voice rang with a sense of sincerity, his tone clear and respectful.

The two guards closed the doors behind him, their heavy footsteps resounding through the hall as they stood at attention outside.

"I hope you have been well since my departure to Goebana," Izan said softly.

Desdemona's gaze never left him, her expression one that contained an enigma.

"I take it that you have read my letter before returning here."

Desdemona's expression remained stoic, her gaze unwavering as she addressed Izan. "The news of Davian's stirring troubles me deeply, Izan. His presence in the Frosttheugh realm has long been a safeguard, but if he awakens and breaks free, the consequences for our empire could be dire."

Izan frowned, his brow furrowing in concern. "Desdemona, have we considered the possibility of... eliminating Davian permanently? Perhaps there's a way to end this perpetual threat to our realm, even if he's a god."

Desdemona's expression darkened slightly, her eyes betraying a hint of resignation. "Izan, you speak of a task that has been attempted countless times throughout the ages. Davian is not merely a mortal being that can be vanquished with blade or spell. He is a deity, bound to the very fabric of our realm. Even if we were to succeed in destroying him, he would only return, bringing with him the eternal curse of winter."

"And also, Davian is the guardian of this realm we live in. The realm he cursed and punished the innocents of eternal winter. Without Davian... the realm might collapse. Chaos and destruction would also ensue, the likes of which I do not wish to even imagine."

Izan's features softened, his gaze turning thoughtful. "Then, Desdemona, what do you propose we do? How can we safeguard our realm from Davian's influence without resorting to futile attempts to end his existence?"

He leaned in slightly, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "Surely, there must be a strategy, a method that can weaken his hold or mitigate the damage he inflicts upon our lands. We cannot simply resign ourselves to enduring his eternal curse."

Desdemona shifted in her seat, her expression pensive as she studied Izan's face.

An unexpected silence fell between them, the room's only sounds being the occasional footsteps of the guards outside and the quiet rustle of her dress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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