21 - Execution

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The Fire Nation ship docked at the prison harbour and the soldiers descended in an orderly formation.

Azula was in the middle with an annoyed expression on her face, but nevertheless anyone could tell that the current soldiers were way different from the ones Levi and the others fought, just their aura alone sets them apart from normal soldiers.

The entire prison was eerily silent with only the corpses of Fire Nation soldiers lying around everywhere, if not for that big wooden ship docked a little distance away Azula and her forces would have thought that the enemy had already left.

Frowning her beautiful brows Azula ordered, "Commander, pick ten soldiers to go ahead and scout, try to locate where the enemy is hiding."

"Yes your Highness.'' said the commander before going to execute his order.

Even though it was just a remote fire nation prison in the middle of the ocean it was actually quite big so if a hundred people decided to hide on it, it would take a while to find them.

"Don't forget to also search that ship." added Azula with the commander affirming.

Thirty minutes later the commander and the scouts were done searching both the ship and the prison as they regrouped with the main forces with stressed expressions on their faces.

"Your Highness…” Said the commended pausing, not knowing how to silver the news before continuing, “It's like they had just disappeared into thin air we couldn't find even a trace of them." Reported the commander with a weird tone of voice, he couldn't figure out how that could be possible.

Hearing the report Azula frowned, she was renowned not only for her outstanding combat ability but also for her wit and Intelligence, but, even she couldn't figure it out.

‘How could they just disappear like that.’ Thought Azula frowning she just couldn't figure it out.

Moving to the edge of the prison she leaned on the railing as she looked at the water deep in thought, she frowned a little while looking at the water, before suddenly and out of nowhere her eyes widened like saucers seeming to realize something.

"THEY'RE UNDER THE WATER." She shouted at the top of her lungs as she threw a huge torrent of fire at the water and backed up.

The water where the fire was thrown solidified into ice blocking the attack before melting back, right after that dozens of people jumped so high out of the water and into the prison-like dolphins surrounding the fire nation soldiers before they could react to Azula’s warning, Levi was amongst them holding a spear as he looked at Azula.

‘I expected no less from the fire nation princess.’ he thought.

It was also his idea to hide underwater, using water bending to create a vacuum under water and ice bending to extend tubes of ice under the prison where it wasn't visible to let air in.

The reason they waited so long to attack was to move the injured back into the ship after the Fire Nation soldiers finished searching it and also to rest as much as possible, as for the captives from before they just killed them before going underwater, they couldn't have any extra weight hindering them.

Levi's heart hurt when that happened as he couldn't be the one to deliver the killing blow on them and collect some experience points, but he couldn't ask to kill them either or else he would look like a psycho.

"ATTACK." Shouted Hakoda as both sides rushed at each other and everyone engaged in the fight.

Levi rushed forward spear in hand as he used observation on Azula.

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