Capital 7 (English)

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I look at the clock that was on my bedside table, it was 7:30 in the morning, I noticed Cliff slowly waking up. "Good morning Cliff, slept well?" And Cliff nodded tired "Yes very much, especially because I slept next to you" he said when we laughed, we got ready and went down to the kitchen and saw that only Ellen, Linda and Angus were sitting at the kitchen table "Where are Malcolm, Bon and Phil?" I asked in surprise, "They are still asleep, yesterday when you were on your date Phil, Malcolm and Bon drank too much and now certainly have a hangover from drinking" said Angus a little annoyed. Me and Cliff sat down when Linda gave us a cup of tea "Here please" and I thanked Linda, Phil came out of his room for half an hour and he didn't look very good "Oh man my head hurts" Phil complained "That comes from when you drank too much" Ellen scolded when Angus took her hand and she calmed down. "Do you like the clothes Valerie?" Linda asked me, "Yes, very much and I wanted to say thank you again for the help yesterday," I said smiling. "Hey, I heard that this afternoon is a music competition where different bands and solo artists perform, would you like to participate?" Cliff asked and everyone agreed. "But cliff what about me? I can't play instruments" "Don't worry, you can sing a song by a well-known singer from your country, where were you born?" Cliff asked me "Sweden, I can only think of ABBA", everyone was surprised that I came from Sweden but they agreed to me sing a song by ABBA. In the afternoon everyone got ready and we went to the competition. When we arrived, we signed up as candidates, the boys chose the song "Let there be rock" so it was my turn, the woman asked "Name and which song would you like to sing?" "My name is Valerie Liv Lyngstad and I would like to sing the song Take the chance on me by ABBA" the woman wrote Down my name and called the next one. I went to the boys I was nervous, "Are you nervous Valerie?" Phil asked and I nodded "Hey you don't have to be, we'll cheer you at the end" said Cliff and kissed my cheek. When it was the boys' turn, I was surprised how well they played, Bon's voice was also great. Then it was my turn, I was very nervous and before that I had even put on a dress similar to Agnetha the lead singer. I went on stage and started singing the song "Take a chance on me" by ABBA. Everyone in the audience was amazed and surprised that I sang a song from ABBA, when I was finished everyone clapped and I went down from the stage. In the end there was the award ceremony and a woman then said "In the second place is the band AC/DC and in the first place lies" everyone was tense who it was until the woman dissolves it "Valerie Liv Lyngstad" and everyone cheered and claps. Cliff hugged me and kissed me "I knew you could do it Valerie" "That has to be celebrated" Bon said smiling and we made our way to a bar

Love on the first sight: An cliff Williams love story Where stories live. Discover now