6. Gone

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Erin POV

Laying on my side I watch Damian's back rise and fall as he sleeps peacefully. My fingertips mindlessly trace the tattoo on his back as I bite my lip thinking about how selfish I had been.

I was supposed to wake him up so he could go back to the house one last time but at some point I decided to be selfish. I wanted him here with me, I wanted to wake up to him and see his sleepy morning smile. He was back with me now, he was mine, why couldn't I keep him.

"I love you" I whisper

Suddenly a smile crosses my face as a memory comes flooding back to me. A memory of the day he got me to say I loved him for the first time.

He knew I did and he knew I was scared to say it. So one night he came by my house, we went out into the garden he switched on the garden lights and took out his phone.

A whole new world began to play as he got me to dance with him. As we moved slowly he sung the song quietly into my ear. The line "when did you last let your hear decide" had caused me to look up at him and never take my eyes of him.

I remember him smirking a little because he knew his plan was working. As the song came to an end he whispered that he loved me and without even a second thought I said it back. I had never seen him smile as brightly as he did that night.

I'm shook from my thoughts by him stirring and watch as he turns over to face me. He gives me that sleepy smile and reaches out for my hand.

"Hi mi amor" he says kissing the back of my hand "what time is it?"

"It's almost 8am" I say moving his hair off his face

"It's morning? Why didn't you wake me?" He asks

"I wanted to be selfish and keep you for the night" I say "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have but I just didn't want you to leave"

"I'm glad you did" he smiles "I didn't want to leave either, but I do have to get those last boxes. So how about I go get them this morning and come straight back? No more waiting I don't see the need to wait til tonight"

"Sounds good to me" I smile "but be gentle with her, I've no doubt she is finding this hard and you being gone is going to hurt..........trust me I know"

"I will" he says "we have to be civil for the baby. I don't want to not be involved in my child's life"

Damain POV

Reluctantly I remove myself from the bed after giving her a passionate good morning kiss. I wanted to stay here with her, I didn't want to go back there.

I was relieved when u woke up here next Hallie, I hadn't wanted to go and I had hoped she would ask me to stay. Right now I felt truly happy and I knew I'd made the right decision.

Once dressed I head out the my car and make my way back to the house. Just go in have a quick chat with Kayla, grab the boxes and leave. That's all I needed to do, it should be fairly simple.

When I arrive at the house I hear the shower running upstairs so I know she's awake. I make my way up the stairs and along to the room my stuff was in.

When I get to her room I take a quick glance to see if she is there. But something on the bed makes me stop in my tracks.

Quietly I wall over to the bed and pick up the thing that has me all kinds of confused.........what the hell is this? What is going on here?

The shower stops and Kayla walks into the bedroom, he face falls in a look of horror when she sees me holding the thing.

"D it's not.................."

"Don't even finish that sentence" I growl looking her over and realising it's exactly what I thought it was "this whole time.............you lied to me this whole time?"

"I'm so sorry D" she sobs "I was desperate I didn't want you to leave me, I love you. I wanted to to stay and be with me so I just said it without thinking?"

"How long would you have let this go on?" I ask "this why you didn't want me close, because I would have noticed. God I'm so stupid" I say raking my hands through my hair.

"You know what makes it worse? You knew what if been through with Erin, what we lost and yet you allowed me to start to love and excited about a child that didn't exist" I say "you knew how much being a father meant to me, how badly I wanted it and you give me false hope.............how long would you have let this go on?"

"I don't know" she says looking at the floor "I never meant to hurt you"

"You've done way more than that" I say as tears fill my eyes "I need to get out of here........I can't be here.......I need to go"

With that I turn and run out of the house and back to my car.

Erin POV

I was just making myself some breakfast when there was a frantic knocking on the front door.

When I open the door I find a woman there, a clearly pregnant woman and I instantly know who this is.

"Wherr is he?" She asks pushing her way into the house

"Where is who? Who are you?" I ask

"Damian of course" she sighs "I'm Kayla"

"Oh, he's not here" I say confused "he went to your place to get his stuff a couple of hours ago I haven't seen him since he left"

"Don't play dumb with me I know he's here I know you are hiding him from me" she says

"I can assure he's not" I say "is everything OK?"

"We uh........we had a row and he ran out of the house" she says "I thought he might have come here"

"What was the row about?" I ask

"It's none if your damn business it's between me and him" she snaps "this is all your fault, if you hadn't put your hooks back in and taken him from me"

"Look I know him better than anyone, if you tell me what you fought about I can figure out what he is thinking and maybe where he went" I say

"I don't need your help you've done enough damage" she shouts pushing me causing me to land on my ass on the tiled floor. As I land I look up just in time to see her bump fall out from under her top and I no longer need her to tell me what happened.

"How could you be so cold, cruel and evil to him" I gasp "do you understand what you have done? How much you have hurt him?"

"Yeah yeah I've already heard it all..........so come on smart pants where will he have gone?" She snarls

"I don't know" I say "and that's the truth, when we lost our baby he disappeared for almost two weeks before he came back. He didn't want me go see him break, he wanted to be strong for me do he went away to deal with his pain so he could be what I needed"

"Where did he go?" She asks getting impatient

"I don't know he never told me and I never asked" I say "we will just have to give him time and he will come back when he is ready"

"If you had just stayed away from him none of this would have happened" she shouts "I've lost him because of you, you and your selfishness I hope your proud of yourself" she says storming our the house leaving me wondering where the hell had he gone.

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