Unexpected Encounters

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Zain found himself amidst a whirlwind of questions and emotions as he observed the interaction between his sister, Izzah, and her mysterious cousin, Farhan. The air buzzed with tension and curiosity as Farhan's presence stirred something within him. Who was this newcomer, and why did his presence seem to unsettle Zara?

*"Why are you here?" Zain asked, his voice edged with suspicion.*

*"Waiting for both of you, duh," Izzah, Zara's sister, replied with a smirk.*

*"Are we, darling?" Ishaq whispered loud enough for both to hear.*

Izzah's sharp response, "Ishaq!!," cut through the tension, but Zain's curiosity remained piqued. When did Ishaq even leave the house? Yet, with Ishaq's prompting, they redirected their focus to the reason for their gathering.

After a work interruption, Zain returned to witness Farhan enveloping Zara in a tight hug, setting off alarms in Zain's mind. Who was this guy, and why was Zara smiling at him? The revelation that Zain was Zara's husband shocked him to the core, prompting a tumult of emotions. Why had she kept this from him?

As the evening progressed, Zara couldn't help but notice the deep voice shared by the men in the family. Despite the tension, a playful banter emerged between Ishaq and Izzah, revealing a bond forged in childhood antics and shared secrets.

A spilled coffee led to an unexpected moment of closeness between Ishaq and Izzah. As she wiped the stain from his shirt, Ishaq found himself captivated by her gentle touch, a warmth spreading through him that had nothing to do with the coffee stain.

Ishaq's attire change to a kurta revealed a vulnerability that surprised Isha. Her inadvertent admission of finding him mesmerizing sent a shiver down Izzah's spine, awakening a desire she hadn't realized existed.

Amidst laughter and teasing, Zain and Zara's bond deepened, their playful banter hiding a deeper connection. In a moment of mischief, Ishaq and Izzah exchanged a glance laden with unspoken understanding, their shared history binding them closer.

As the night came to an end, Zain found himself carrying Zara, her laughter a melody in the night air. In her inebriated state, she confessed her love, and Zain's heart soared. Finally, the truth was out, and he was ready to embrace it fully.

As dawn broke, Zain and Zara stood at the threshold of a new beginning, their hearts entwined in a dance of serendipity. In each other's arms, they found solace and strength, ready to face whatever the future held, together.

[little did they know a bomb is dropping *cue evil laughter* and i cant seem to update the new chapter just yet. Yall pray for me exams going on so cant update right now anyway take care peace.]

Authors note 🎀✨:

Sorry I haven't been constant I was busy so I worked alot in this chap and I mean alot 😩 hope you liked it many more to come.

To be clear Zara and Zayn are the couple and Izzah and Aziz are the Siblings of Zara and Ishaq and Lina are the Siblings of Zain.

Make sure to VOTE Thank you 🌹.

Zaira holding hands <3

Him taking her shoe off <3

The kurta

The cafe

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