I'm Pregnant

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Chase POV

OH MY GOD I SHOUTED SO LOUD I WAS PREGNANT....the results came back I'm going to be a mom how was I going to tell prince the news

Chase was in shock she called her mother and told her the news she was excited about becoming a grandmother she was so overjoyed this baby is just what chase needed it her life ...her father was never around so it was just her and her mother growing up back in the day ....chase didn't know what prince was going to do say or think when he tells him they're having a baby

A few days have flown by and chase decided that it was time to tell prince the news about her pregnancy she was so nervous

Prince POV

I called chase I haven't heard from her in a week so she is dropping by i was getting ready to perform I was left alone by myself in my thoughts

Chase came into the building and knocked on the door prince said come in so she walked in

Chase: sorry I have been busy

Prince: it's ok

Prince grabbed her hand and she sat on top of him he could tell she had something on her mind

Chase: well I actually have some news for you

He got very concerned and started to think what did he do

Chase: it's good news actually it's not about you

Prince: ok what is it

Chase: do you have time

Prince: yes

Chase: ok well ...I went to the hospital I wasn't feel well

Prince: are you ok

Chase: yes I'm ok now but that's the exciting part about it

Prince: ok

Chase: well prince I am.....(got interrupted) never mind I'll see you later

She got up and left prince could tell that she was upset it seemed important and now he wanted to know

Chase was asked to stay for a while they knew she wanted to tell prince something important so she came to the bar to get some water...prince saw her as he was on stage performing he could tell that she was upset

An hour later

Chase POV

I was outside deep in thought the moment got ruined Sheila came out to check up on me she was so nice for doing that but she knew how I felt about it ....

Prince POV

I couldn't find chase anywhere until Sheila told me that she was outside so I came where she was at and seen her sitting down

Prince: you ok

Chase: yes I'm fine

Prince: what did you have to tell me

Chase: isn't going to get ruined again

Prince: no you seemed excited about it so I just want to know

Chase: prince I'm pregnant is what I wanted to tell you before it got ruined

Prince was in shock when chase told him he couldn't believe it

Chase: the day we had sex I didn't think I would ....(prince hugged her)

Prince: when did you find out

Chase: a few days ago

Prince: is that why you couldn't come and see me that day

Chase: yes ....i was trying to figure out how I was going to tell you the news

Prince: ok

Chase: yes ...well I'm heading home

Prince: where you going

Chase: I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I have to be well rested

Prince: what time

Chase: 9am

Prince: ok

Chase: see you tomorrow I love you

Prince: I love you too goodnight t

They shared a kiss and she was heading home for tonight

Next Morning

Chase POV

I was in the room prince was here with me to check up on our little one

Prince POV

Here to check up on our baby chase was excited and nervous at the same time

The nurse came in and they got started right away her baby was good as healthy

Nurse: come back in three months and we'll take another ultrasound and find out the gender

Chase: ok thank you

She shoo their hands and scheduled a appointment to come back in three months

Chase was hungry so she came to get some food to eat on

Prince stared at the picture of their baby this was real there's a little human in chase and he couldn't wait to meet their baby

A few weeks have flown by chase left her job and began resting at home her mother always come to help her as needed

Chase POV

My mother is always a helping hand and I absolutely love her for that she couldn't wait to see her grand baby and I couldn't wait to see her be a grandmother

Prince was excited about becoming a father to his first child he never though he'll be a father but he was becoming one

A few days flown by and all chase did was relax for a bit it felt nice to actually relax and get some down time

Chase POV

It felt nice to get some down time and relax I usually have a hard time relaxing because I'm a moving body but it feels nice to just kick my feet up and relax for a chance my mother is a big help she's going to be the best grandma to our son and I can't wait for the memories

Prince was already preparing his home for the baby he was so excited and couldn't wait for the memories it didn't matter what he was having he was ready for the journey and what makes it better is he gets to share it with chase his girlfriend of three years

Chase: I'm fine prince how's everything .....that's good .....I know I'm excited as well .....you'll make a good dad I know you will it's a challenge but we got this and we are going to do our best as parents and to protect our child ....yes your welcome ...well I'm going to bed I am tired ....ok I love you too goodnight

She ended the call with prince and she took her shower and fell asleep

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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