'Welcome party'

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I gave Leah my number. It wasn't something to think suspicious about, because Leah has been one of my patients so we could've used it for work if someone asked.



Hi Baby, what are you doing tonight?  x
I miss you .

Hey x,
I've got a stupid 'welcome party' or something with the girls to get to know me better. Miss you too Ann


I can't lie I do feel something for this girl. She's been so good but so bad to me. She cheated on me with a girl named Isabelle. I left and that's when I went to NYC to clear my mind. Then my sisters needed me and I came back and met Anna in a coffee shop to talk about everything.

Anna really wanted us to work out and I gave her a chance. That's where we are now. We're not that close though. We don't live together, we don't speak eachother every day and I don't get the chills when she touches me.

But she knows me so well. She knows my past, she knows my insecurities and she knows how to deal with them so well. She takes care of me when she feels like i'm not myself and I don't know if anyone else would get me how she does. She knows things someone else would never know of me.

But still... I just don't know if i'm IN love with Anna anymore and it hurts me because she deserves the world.


Leah Williamson

Hey Sophie, i'll pick you up at 7, is that fine for you?

Hey Leah, yeah 7 is alright.

I sent my address to Leah and chilled out a bit before getting ready for whatever this evening would be.

As I was almost ready, my phone buzzed.

Leah Williamson

Hey, I'm outside

Okay, just fixing my hair real quick. see me in 2 minutes.


"Hey, thanks for picking me up." I smiled and sat down in the passengers seat next to Leah. "No worries" Leah drove of and put some music on.

We chatted a bit and hummed with the music and 20 minutes later we arrived at Viv and Beth's.

"we're here" Leah spoke as she parked her car. we walked towards the door and knocked. A little later Beth opened the door and we got in. The house wasn't packed yet but most girls already sat in the living room.

"Gosh, Leah this is so embarrassing why are we even doing this?" I laughed off as I hung up my coat.
"Don't worry Sophie, it's a tradition. Rose also had this and things only got easier at that point." she spoke as she gave me a reassurance smile.

"Hi girls, great to see everyone alive and well here" Omg I cringed at myself there so bad. I was so bad at starting conversations in places with a lot of attention on me. Anna always took the first word when we arrived somewhere to make things easier.

"Sup Jonesy how you doing?" Katie gave me a hug. "Hello McCard, doing alright."

Luckily, no one drank a lot this evening as everyone except of Beth had training tomorrow and everyone wanted to be fit for the upcoming match against Man City.


2 hours had passed and the vibe was good, i've had some fun chats with Katie, Caitlin and Kyra. We were now all sat in the living room when the girls started asking me questions.

"Okay Jones spill the beans and tell us, what made you decide to become a sport physiotherapist?" Katie asked with curiosity but joke in her voice. I was slightly taken back by the randomness of this question but I guess they just want to get to know me.

"Uhm, well, I've always had a passion for sports and medicine, so it just seemed like the perfect fit."
Katie leaned forwards. "Did you always want to be a physio, or did you have other dreams growing up?"

I fidgeted with my hands as I didn't like all this attention being on me. "Actually, I used to dream of becoming a doctor. But then you know, life had other plans."

"So you'll be our doctor too?" Beth said as she winked towards me. "That's not even a bad idea you've got there Mead" Caitlin spoke up.
"Guys I chose to be a sports physiotherapist, not a doctor".
"But that somehow has similarities right"
"I'll see what I can do" I sighed and let out a laugh.

"What made you change your mind about not wanting to be a doctor anymore?" Viv asked raising her eyebrow.
"Well, I realized that being a physiotherapist allows me to combine my love for medicine with my passion for sports, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to work with amazing athletes like you all"

Beth smirked. "Looks like we lucked out having you here then, huh"
"Definitely" Caitlin added.
"Yeah we'll make sure to give you plenty of opportunities to work your magic on us" Kyra grinned. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"I think we should petition to have Sophie on call 24/7, just in case Beth chokes on her cookies again." Caitlin joked
"Completely agree, who needs a team doctor when you have Sophie?" Everyone laughed at what Kyra said.
"alright alright, enough about me now." I laughed with everyone.


We chatted some more about the girls and soon I started to get tired.
Alessia grabbed the tv remote and started netflix "we should definitely watch a movie, everyone come sit down in the living room" she shouted towards the people sitting in the kitchen.

The house wasn't small, but there were just a lot of people in it what made it look small, well, cozy.
Beth and Viv had a cute living room with tons of pictures of Myle. I can't lie if I owned a dog I would definitely make a 'dog corner' in my little work office.

I stood up. "I should make room for someone who is actually going to watch the whole movie. I might doze of in the middle of it so i'll sit somewhere else."

"looks like you've got to stay on the sofa Jones" Katie nodded her head towards Caitlin who was sleeping on the only chair in the room. Damnit.

"I got you, come sit down Soph" Leah patted her hand next to her on the sofa.

I was now in a situation where I was squeezed between Frida and Leah. This wasn't ideal. Far from ideal. It's just the fact that Leah drove me so she also has to drive me back tonight. I couldn't get home on my own. Staying over is also not an option.

The movie the girls chose was 'Bridsmaids'. Simple. Romcom isn't completely my thing to be fair. I will watch it if I need to, but I wouldn't choose it myself.

After 1 hour we paused the movie. Frida and some other girls had left so a larger space grew on the sofa giving me the opportunity to sit down a bit more comfortable.

Maybe I sat down too comfortable...
As the movie continued I felt my eyes get heavy and I fell asleep with my head on Leah's shoulder.


words counter: 1207

okay okay i'm sorry I actually do want to make things go faster, but I want to give Sophie a clear introduction about her family and Anna ofcourse, because Anna will come back later on. :)

if you guys have tips or ideas for the book let me know and VOTE X 🤍

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