~ 11. When the North meet South ~

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Chapter two

~ 02.08.2027. ~

Martinus's pov:

*The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as we stirred from our slumber. With a contented sigh, I stretched lazily, feeling the comforting weight of Teodora's presence beside me. Turning to face her, I was greeted by the sight of her peaceful expression, a soft smile playing on her lips as she slept.*

Me: (whispering) Good morning, my love.

*Teodora stirred, blinking sleepily as she gradually became aware of her surroundings.*

Teodora: (sleepily) Morning, Marty.

*As we exchanged gentle morning greetings, the events of the previous day flooded back into my mind, filling me with a sense of excitement for the future. Today was a new day, filled with endless possibilities, and I couldn't wait to see what it held in store for us.*

Me: (grinning) Ready to take on the day?

Teodora: (nodding) Absolutely. But first, coffee.

*With a shared chuckle, we made our way to the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air as we prepared our morning pick-me-up. As we sipped our coffee, we discussed our plans for the day, a sense of anticipation building with each passing moment.*

Me: (excitedly) I was thinking we could spend the day exploring the city. Maybe visit some of our favorite spots or discover some new ones.

Teodora: (smiling) That sounds wonderful. I'd love to spend the day with you, just enjoying each other's company.

*I just smiled sweetly. I said city, right? But which one...the question is...*

*When we got ready, I took the car keys and together with Teodora we went out. I locked the house and started to lead her to the car, to which she looked at me strangely.*

Teodora: (confusing) Didn't you say we were going to the city?

Me: (snickering) Yes, I am.

Teodora: Well then, what will the car do for us?

Me: Just trust me, okay?

Teodora: Okay...

*As we made our way towards Oslo, the anticipation in the air was palpable, the excitement of the journey tinged with a sense of mystery. Teodora glanced over at me with a curious expression, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.*

Teodora: (curiously) Babe, why are we going to another city ? 

*I met her gaze with a playful smile, a twinkle of excitement dancing in my eyes.*

Me: (mysteriously) Ah, my love, why not? I just want us to relax a bit from everything.

*Teodora's curiosity only seemed to grow as we continued our journey, but she trusted me enough to let the questions go unanswered for the time being. And as we approached the city, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. Oslo held a special significance for us, it was the place where our love story began, where every moment was etched into our memories like a beautiful painting.*

Me: (gazing out the window) We're almost there, Teddy.

Teodora: (leaning closer, her curiosity piqued) Where almost there, love? You're being awfully secretive about this.

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