The Fall

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It was exactly 5 weeks ago that the two friends met again. But to Kou it still feels like it was just yesterday. He can still remember how strange it felt to see his friends new form, but he didnt mind as long as it was still his friend who was inside.

Ever since there interaction the two boys have met up every tuesday and thursday. Those were the only days that Kou could go see Mitsuba without his brother getting suspicious.

They always had to hide thier friendship from Kous Brother. After all his brother wasn't the biggest fan of apparitions and Mitsuba wasnt exactly alive.

Every time that they met up they would try to pick an empty spot in the old school building. That way they would be alone. Each week they would switch turns picking the spot.

Each time that Kou would pick Mitsuba would complain and spout some nonsense about how the spot was either to dirty or to creepy for someone as cute and innocent as him.

Kou would always just shoot insults back at him or make fun of his lack of creativity when it comes to complaining. This would always just persuade Mitsuba to complain and argue more, but at the end of all thier arguing they always managed to smile and laugh.

Each time it was Mitsubas turn to pick a spot he always chose the exact same place, his new boundary. He decorated the whole place to his liking. There were no more stairs or mannequins just normal furniture and decor. To return Mitsubas complaints about the place that Kou picked, Kou would always rant about how pink or girly Mitsubas boundary was. This insults didn't bug Mitsuba like they used to. Every time someone used to call him girly it would hurt his feelings and eventually it turned into a huge insecurity for him. But after he ran into Kou 5 weeks ago thats changed. Each time Kou teases him for being girly it doesn't hurt him but it makes him joyful. The whole girly joke turned into a thing that the two friends can share and laugh about.

Both boys loved the time that they spent together. For Kou it was a way to finally be with the one person who he cared for the most. And as for Mitsuba it was a way to be someone and to have an existence that meaned something.

They never told anyone about their friendship. They swore to keep it secret for as long as they could. Not even Hanako or Yashiro knew about them, all they could tell was that Kou seemed happier than usual. But they didn't want to change that so they chose not to pry.

The two boys feared of what would happen if people found out. What would Kous friends think, what would his brother do. These were the fears they had most of the time. But as for Mitsuba his fear was one that was deeper. He would constantly ask himself ' what would Tsukasa think?' This thought filled him with immense fear, he didnt want to risk getting hurt....or getting Kou hurt.

                 *PRESENT TIME*

It was finally Tuesday, it was Kous turn to pick the location this week. Like usual Mitsuba expected it to be an old abandoned classroom but it wasn't.

The two boys met up in front of the old school building like they do everytime. However Mitsuba was the only one that was there. He couldn't find Kou anywere. He checked around the whole outside of the building but there was no sign of the blonde. It'd been a whole 20 minutes since thier agreed upon meeting time, Mitsuba began to panic.

'What if his brother found out?'

'What if he got attacked by an apparition?'

'What if ......'

These thoughts filled Mitsubas mind like tsunami after an earthquake. He couldn't calm down or focus. He slowly fell to the ground his back against the wall. His panic continued he couldn't steady his breathe nor could he see. Tears filled his eyes as it had now been a whole 40 minutes since their agreed upon time. Mitsuba didnt know what to do. Should he go find someone to help? Should he go talk to Kous friends? No, he couldn't do any of those things if he did it would get out that the two boys were meeting up in secret.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 16 ⏰

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When Lovers Falter and Reform《A Mitsuba X Kou Love Story》Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ