Apple Pie and Ice Cream (Post War Levi X Reader)

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A gentle breeze flew in your small house, the warmth of the sunlight casting a golden glow in your humble abode. It was a pleasant day, the climate being warm but not scorching hot.

You hummed a song to yourself, as you strolled around in your kitchen, washing and neatly stacking the dishes. The wind chimes in the kitchen window tinkled and turned as if they were trying to add their melody to your serene song. You smiled, satisfied with your work as you removed your apron, washed your hands, and glanced around at your dining table.

There sat Levi, peacefully eating the apple pie you made. The sight alone was so rare, that it made you smile. It was just so worth it; seeing him eat like that. His lips were closed, slowly chewing the sweet delicacy. His maimed hand held the fork, as he used his remaining three fingers to eat with it. You had to admit, he had become quite adept at it, considering his fatal injuries, naturally anyone would've taken time to resume their normal activities. But Levi, as much as he loved your help in every basic task, was intent on becoming a little bit independent, as soon as possible. You acknowledged that and gave him the space to do so, and you were proud of the results in front of you.

Bite by bite, he finished it, using the fork to cut small bites to eat. It was just a normal, casual sight, the one moment that no one would pay attention to, but you were so enraptured.

The sight was too adorable - plain, yet memorable.

Levi was eating the apple pie you made, face content, chewing it as if he had all the time in the world to savor its taste, enjoying a simple meal in the morning, just like he deserved to. This sight made you smile, and soon, a chuckle escaped your lips which reached his ears.

Turning his attention from his meal, towards you, his mouth still closed and chewing. He looked at you, you who were already looking at him, heads tilted to the side, resting on your palms, gazing at him with adoration.

He questioned the look in your eyes, with a slight raise in his eyebrows


You shook your head, chuckling slightly, "Nothing..."

"Tch, spit it out, I know you've been staring."

You smirked, walking past the counter and taking the seat beside him. Even after losing his vision from the right eye, he was still as perceptive as ever. You admired that trait - of being so highly alert to the surroundings.

"Oh, no, it's just, it's just you're eating..." You tried to explain. It was honestly kind of embarrassing to be sharing your thoughts like this.

"Eating? You've seen me eat plenty of times before."

"Yeah, but that's not the point. The point is..." You decided to be honest with him and tell him what exactly was in your mind.

"You look so much at peace. So content. So eased out and relaxed. I love seeing you like this. Honestly, this lifestyle is all you deserve and I am so grateful that we are finally getting to live like this after so many sacrifices and war." You spoke, your voice cracking at the end despite your attempts to keep it unwavering. It was a beautiful morning and you didn't want to dampen his spirits so early in the day.

"(F/N)...." Levi muttered gently, wrapping his other arm around your shoulder as he pulled you into his chest.

"Didn't mean to ruin the mood... I am just happy that you can enjoy this simple apple pie without having to figure out what battle plans to draw next, or the strategies or the training...." You croaked, gently fisting at his finely presses shirt.

"I know...I am grateful to have this with you too. It is hard, I know, for you as well as me. But, we got to choose to honor their sacrifices by living the rest of our lives in peace, yeah? Not a day goes by that I don't miss them, God, I freaking miss them so much and it hurts every time you know?" He spoke, his voice carrying a pained stilt as if it could break any moment.

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