Mistress...part 4(finale)🩷

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It's been another 3 years, 6 years since you and Austin fixed things between you and got back into one anothers lives. More importantly, it's been 3 years since you and Austin started dating, seriously. When you guys had been hooking up, that's all you ever wanted, was to be in a serious relationship with him and be seen in public with him, and you finally got what you wanted. You were over the moon when Austin asked you to be his girlfriend and confessed his love for you, you had waited years for that moment and finally you got it. Dreams were coming true, and they were continuing to come true after that moment.

2 years into the relationship, Austin took you on a trip to Santorini, Greece for a couples holiday. You both enjoyed it and were having so much fun, enjoying the time together and growing closer as a couple. Every moment you spent with him on that holiday felt like heaven and you couldn't have been any happier. The holiday was 2 weeks long, you you guys had plenty of time to have a break from life and just enjoy some alone time as a couple, and both of you enjoyed it and very much appreciated it. Every activity you guys did together just bought you closer as a couple and you both had more fun than you had ever had in your life, it honestly couldn't have gotten any better.....or could it?

One night, you and Austin went for a walk along the beach, it was quiet, the sunset was beautiful, it was the perfect thing to do at that time. As you were walking, you were joking and laughing and just enjoying each others company, when all of a sudden Austin stopped walking, and when you turned around to see why, he was down on one knee proposing to you. Your heart beat sky rocketed through the roof, you were so incredibly happy, and you screamed yes when he asked you to marry him. So many tears came form the both of you that night as your relationship had come so far and you guys had grown so much as friends and as a couple, it wasn't an easy journey to go on but it was all worth it in the end. That was the last day of the holiday, and to you there was no better way to end the holiday with the love of your life than to be proposed to, life was a literal dream for you and it was all working in your favor.

1 year later, and the wedding took place, and it was definitely a day to be remembered. You had the wedding in a beautiful church:

So many people from your family and from Austins family showed up, all of your friends were there, it was an amazing ceremony and a day you will never forget

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So many people from your family and from Austins family showed up, all of your friends were there, it was an amazing ceremony and a day you will never forget. This was the dress your bridesmaids wore:

 This was the dress your bridesmaids wore:

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