Only Love

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Aarg... dude it's been an hour since I've been waiting for her. Oh, wait let me tell you who I am. So, buddies, I'm your favorite Abhir Nayak and currently I'm waiting for my girl to arrive at the cafe.

Today's Saturday, and I was supposed to chill at home after office hours, but how is this possible when your beloved girlfriend cannot let you live in peace. Yeah, you guessed it right!
Ms. Malik, I mean Ms Avni Malik is my girlfriend. Sometimes I wonder, was I crazy to get this girl? She makes me go crazy literally every hour.
So let me tell you guys our story, until madam arrives.

I met Avni during an interview. I'm a reporter by profession though I work limited hours. And she's a journalist. So, we met accidentally in an interview.
And maybe destiny had paved its way for us. We ended up meeting in some event, some award function, some party or other things. This only brought us close. And finally we ended up being friends. 

"Just friends" okay?

Since both of us remained busy we could only meet up on Sundays, and that too in evenings since Madam's shift starts in Morning. But you know what? Distance is important for every relationship. It makes us realize that we've limited time, and we should love, cherish and share happiness with each other and make out the best memories. I know I'm being philosophical but little knowledge doesn't hurt, right? Should I start motivational classes, I think I'm good at this. Yes, I'm crazy but back to the topic for now, hehe.

So yeah, we met like this. And trust me when I say she's a different person outside her work, I bet she's a whole new person. The Journalist Malik would be smart, strict, insensitive, rough and tough girl. She can beat at least 2–3 guys and hang them upside down. But I swear, outside her work she's a carefree, loving, selfless and a very sensitive human being.

Maybe that innocence made me fall for her?

She's one of the strongest persons I've ever met. She lost her mother when she was born. Her father married another woman and almost forgot about her first daughter. Her brother died in the army. Still, she manages to hide those scars so easily and show everybody that she's not at all weak. And the last thing she requires is pity. I remember when I said sorry for her loss, she told me "Maybe God had better plans for my future and it was his will only "

On her birthday, last year I gave her a promise to take her out of all her miseries and give her a happy life. The day I proposed to her, the day she became mine.

You guys must be thinking I'm crazy that I'm talking nonstop about her when she's making me wait so much. But it's a feeling called love!

Love is an alluring feeling which completes me, which makes me realize living life has a worth, builds hope in me and motivates me!

The same love which can destroy anybody, the same love which people regret doing due to societies, the same word love which is called sacrifice and compromise.

Yes, it's the same love. It can do anything. Look at me, love has made me crazy for one woman. 

I can admire my lady for the whole day without getting bored. That's love!

I can listen to her whole routine, her whole chatter throughout the day, that's love.

I can bear all her tantrums, all melodrama, that's love.

I can do anything, be it compromise, a sacrifice, even if I've to die because for her, that's love.

Finally the woman of hour graces us with her presence.

The woman who's on my mind 24/7
The woman who makes me go crazy.
The woman who's one smile is enough to lit up my whole world.
The woman who've won my heart.

She looks tired, exhausted and maybe she's overworking this time. I only smile at her, and her eyes light up.

This is what I wanted. To provide her love, comfort, security in my embrace. Nobody speaks. She just sits next to me, leaning against my chest and closing her eyes feeling the most alluring feeling of this world - Love!

A soft smile plays on my lips seeing her like this, far away from the world in my arms making me go crazy, making me feel heaven, making my tired day peaceful, and that's love for me!
Because she's the beginning of my happy world!

Falling in love is such a beautiful phenomena. Apart from your soulmate, nobody is visible, nothing more matters than him/her.

Only love love and love !





men in love are the most beautiful sights istg<3

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