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"So, what you're saying is, I just have to know the theory of healing...and the magic follows?"

Lesley's eye flickered between Diana and Xavier. She wasn't quite sure how it happened, but in the past hour, Diana had managed to chatter her way into Xavier's reluctant graces.

Lesley knew, of course, that Xavier had tried to summon Duke Paxley to an inquest regarding the...execution of several knights of the Church of Light. From what she gathered, Diana had managed to persuade Xavier that the duke was innocent. She wasn't entirely sure how the woman had done it, but from what she'd gathered, it had involved psychologically using the former Arbiter of Light's past sins against him.

Lesley stared at Diana. Her eyes were wide as she listened intently to Xavier with the patience of a saint born from her training as a healer. She had no doubt in her mind that Diana could be conniving when she wanted to be. It made quite an interesting match for the duke.

Speaking of...

The duke was sitting beside Diana, listening as she bombarded Xavier with a barrage of questions about healing magic.

"Think he's jealous?"

Gusion's breath brushed against her ear, and Lesley nearly jumped. "What?" She felt irritated that he'd managed to catch her unawares.

"Think he's jealous?" Gusion repeated, light blue eyes fixed on the duke.

"He looks as if he doesn't really care," Lesley observed.

"I think he's jealous. Judging by the set of his jaw and how he's narrowing his eyes," Gusion mused thoughtfully, scratching his chin with one hand.

"You're his brother, you know him best," the sniper said with a shrug.

"Looks like he wants to punch Xavier."

"You're exaggerating," Lesley said with an arch of her brow.

"Am I, though?"

At that moment, the duke's eyes flashed towards them. Lesley could have sworn a chill creeped along her spine at the glare he threw their way. Beside her, Gusion gave an inaudible snort.

"Told you I was right," Gusion said with a shrug.


What Xavier was saying made perfect sense, to be honest.

"So, in essence, a deep understanding of the human body is necessary to use healing magic," I mused.

Xavier nodded, his expression patient. "Indeed, it is," he agreed. "Not many people choose to study it at the Magic Academy. It takes years of intense theoretical training."

Well...in my case, it was theoretical training I was technically done with. I glanced away, lost in thought.

"So, uh...you're like Melissa's uncle, huh?" Yin spoke up suddenly, eyes fixed on Aamon. He, Julian and Melissa were seated on a log opposite from Aamon, Xavier and me.

A muscle twitched in Melissa's jaw as she threw Yin a glare. Before she could reply, Aamon spoke up. "Cousins."

Melissa looked as though she wanted to choke.

"Whoa cousins, huh?" Yin nodded, tilting his head. "That's cool."

"It is not cool!" Melissa snapped, glaring at Yin. "You try having some heartless bastard for a relative, see how you like it."

Yin shrugged. "I was on orphan," he said, without preamble.

"Oh...uh...right," Melissa said as she pretended to brush away an imaginary speck of lint from her sleeve.

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