It's all a blur anyways

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I kept looking out the window. I kept trying to remember how the world use to look before it came to an end. But all I can think of instead was all of the worst things that has ever happened to me. Everything seemed to have faded away, besides my sister. Since there was no point on remembering what was no longer here anymore, I began to walk away.

"It is clear yet?" I said after I sensed my Alice's presence.

"Not really." my sister stares at me.

"How many are out there?" I stood up.

"About four" she sighs sadly.

"We can avoid them easily, and began scavenging for food then?" I began to reach for my crowbar and gun.

"I don't think so. One of them is a Razorback tail" she says nervously.

"The Fully developed ones?" I ask.

She looks down at the ground "Um...No. Look, I know we can avoid it easily but I don't we should." she says with serious doubt.

I kneel down to be face to face with her,"Alice, we can't stay here much longer. And you know that" I handed her a backpack. "Besides we've ran out of food and we're low on water. We need to leave".

She sighs, "Fine". She writes down something on a sheet of paper and tapes it onto the front door.

By the time we were heading outside I grab Alice by her arm pulled her away " Get down", I mouthed. Undeveloped Razorback tails can't see at all, only the people who have been infected with the virus can, but they do have a really great sense of hearing. So we would have to get away silently. Otherwise it will be a hell of a long time to get to where we needed to be if we ended up having to kill all these goddamn creatures.

We arrived at the top of the mountain. "Can you believe that this is the world we live in now? It's has only been 2 months." Alice looks at the city we use to call home, I didn't even bother to give it a glance. 'Cuz what's the point of looking at something that you once loved no longer there.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter now." I began to walk away. 

Alice runs after me, " Umm, That seemed a little dark, don't you think? Even for you."

I sigh, "Alice, we've lived in a world that was filled lies, suffering, and betrayal." I scoffed. " Now look at what we've brought to ourselves." she looks at me nervously "Forget about what I said", I groan. 

"Mm-Kay. But you know, not everyone is like that. There are some people who we can trust. Isn't there?" she smiles and walks ahead of me.

"You know, you sometimes make wonder if we are even related, you being a little a little too joyful and trusting."  I chuckle.

" And what's wrong with that? You don't see complaining about your personality. I mean you got your "chill" flow or whatever you call it, and I got my preppy attitude. Can't you me let me enjoy being me for once?" she jokes.

"Can you shut up already?"  I joked.

She lifts up her hand and points out her middle finger at me. "Nope."she smirks then skips away before I was able to smack her.

                       I don't know how long we've walking, but I know it has been long-ass time. Alice begins to drag her feet for every step took." Jane, can we like please take a break?" she says panting. 

I stop "Sure, but only if it'll get you to stop dragging your fucking feet," I smile.

She stuck her tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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