Chapter 51

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Craig leans back. "Sir, I don't think Tweek will want to talk to me, let alone tell me his whereabouts on the day Scott died."

"Maybe not, but you can read him well. You should be able to tell if he's guilty. Just do your best. Both of you. I'll send you out in 3 days."

"But-" Kite starts. "That's the day after my engagement announcement..."

"And the day before Toolsheds wedding. The timing is perfect so that is when you'll go."

"You fucking suck, Coon." Kite groans.

"I second that." Craig flips the Coon off.

"Whatever you two assholes want to think, this is the best course of action. If we don't find whoever did this, more of us could die. Do as I say unless you want to be next."

Craig doesn't say a word to that, and Kite simply mumbles to himself.

After getting a few final details, Kite and Craig are forced out of the office. 

"That fat ass bastard... I have enough to deal with already..." Kite groans.

Craig smiles. "Wanna get high with me? I'm not particularly excited for this one either and I need to distract myself."

"Full trip?"


"I'm down."

Craig and Kyle meet at Craig's house around 7pm. Craig finds his stash of acid and pulls out two squares. "You sure you're okay to take these? It'll be intense."

Kyle takes one. "Honestly, anything is better than thinking about what's happening right now."

Craig nods. "I second that." He places the acid on his tongue and leans back with a long exhale. Kyle follows his lead.

"I still can't believe they're sending us to Freedom Pals headquarters. We are probably the last two people who should go there." Kyle sighs in frustration.

"Yeah... I can understand why they want me to see if Tweek is off since we dated for so many years, but I'm confused as to why he's even a suspect..."

"Probably because of the state of the body. Scott was super burned up and had a hole blown through his head, two things Tweek could do with his power."

"Oh... I never saw the body. All I knew was that Clyde was taking it really hard."

"Did he tell you about the letter?" Kyle tilts his head curiously.

"Yep. I've never seen him so... destroyed."

"Do you know how he felt?"

Craig laughs softly. "Dude, I don't think HE knew how he felt. If I had to guess though... he probably had feelings for him."

"It really sucks, losing someone you love."

"I can only imagine. If Tweek had actually died on that final night, I don't know how I'd be able to live with myself."

Kyle hugs his knees as he curls up on the couch. "You still love him?"

"Definitely. I tried to stop but he is everything to me. So much so that I don't really care how mad he is at me or even if he wants to kill me, just as long as he is still alive, I'll be okay."

"Are you... gonna be okay seeing him in 3 days?"

"I'll be fine..." Craig looks over at Kyle. "Are YOU going to be okay seeing Stan?"

Kyle doesn't answer that question. Mostly because he had no idea how he was going to feel. All he knew was that he needed these drugs to kick in fast before he started thinking too much about Stan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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