Chapter 1 Pt. 2

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     "What about me?"

     "Does your family know that you left?" he gave me another brief side glance.

    "That's need to know." I gave him the same response and looked out the window.

     "Right." He chuckled, "So they have no idea that you're gone."

     "It's none of your concern!" I snapped.

    "Alright, easy there. No need to bite my head off. All I was wondering if you were going to be all safety and no fun."

     "Why would I be no fun?" I looked at him.

     "Because you have something to come home to." Kaito sounded a bit sad, but I didn't' think that much of it.

    As Kaito kept driving, I started to get bored, and my mind started to drift, drift back to a story my mom told me when I was a little girl of when didn't exist. Before existed, things were much simpler. People could come and go from The City whenever they wanted. No one was tracked, nor were they killed or taken away. The Society was just a bunch of power-hungry kids who didn't like our crazy, fun-loving town. They tried to tell the adults of a perfect utopia, but they either chased them away or scoffed at them. But they drew the attention of the kids. They formed a pack, and as they grew in size, and age, they also grew in power till the point where they overthrew our leadership and took control of our city. But their idea of a perfect utopia was utter control. Now, we all live in fear of them. But now, Kaito and I were on our way to break into their little hive and get Alastair out.

     As I was deep in my thoughts, Kaito turned on the radio, snapping me out of my thoughts.

     "Sorry. You seemed upset, so I thought you'd like the radio on. But I'll turn it off." He reached over to turn it off, but I stopped him.

     "No, it's fine. I was just thinking of when my mum told me about before The Society existed. That's all."

     "I remember some of that. I was about 4 when they had just taken power of our leadership. All I remember is that my life went from happy and carefree, to me feeding off of my family's fear."

    "So, wait, you were actually alive when they threw our leadership out? How old are you?" I was shocked, thinking that he was around my age.

     "34 in a month. Why? Thought I was younger?" he chuckled.

     "I thought you were at least in your mid-twenties."

     "I'll take the complement." He smiled his stupid crooked grin. "How old are you? 18? 19?"

     "22. I turn 23 in June." I looked down to the inside of my elbow to where my birthday tattoo was. God, I hated this thing, it was like being branded. Since came into power, everyone had to get a tattoo on the inside of their elbow for what month they were born in.

     "Ah. A June lass." He sighed.

     "Why do you say that like it's a bad thing? What are you? March? April?" I got defensive.

     "April. And no, I wasn't saying that like a bad thing. My brother was a June person."

     "You mentioned your brother before. What was his name?" I got curious.

     "His name was Lonan. It means blackbird. He was obsessed with them. I used to mess around with him by saying that he should marry a blackbird, things like that. It annoyed him so much. I teased him, even as we grew up. If only he was still alive." He looked out at the road sadly, and I was about to reach out and grasp his hand, but he shook his head, then smiled. "But that's in the past. We need to live in the present."

     "What about parents?" I didn't know if that was something that he'd want to discuss, but I still asked.

     "What's will all the questions, Lilith?" he glared at me.

     I shrunk back a little bit because I never wanted to be on his bad side. "I just want to know if you have someone to go home to."

     "No. I don't. We didn't get along well. I was basically raised by my brother."

     "That's awful! Are they still alive?"

     "Why should I care? They never did anything for me but rob me of my childhood." He growled.

     I decided to be quiet after hearing him growl. I've heard stories of Kaito when he's mad, and I didn't need to be on his bad side. So, I sat in the car quietly, listening to the radio. We had been driving for almost an hour when I started to get hungry, and I think Kaito could hear my stomach growl. He chuckled, as I blushed in embarrassment, and he drove for about another hour, then pulled into an old looking gas station.


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