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~Brent's POV~

I Knew Eevee had cried and was gonna tell everyone to make him the talk of group until I didn't want to... I kinda felt bad for him... actually... I wanted to comfort him or some thing... so I did... he was more calm then what he had been before but he realized I might tell everyone but I said I wouldn't and that it's fine, soon he later left the call, I can tell Eevee was worried but everything is fine... 

~Eevee's/Sophist's  POV ~

As leaving the Call, I could feel my face burning and red... I was only friends with him... I couldn't feel emotion for him NO! I felt like I... liked... him... but that doesn't matter I had to upload the video on YouTube and so I did and then the rest of the day was normal once it fell night I went to sleep to see a new day

Author's Note : Sorry this was a short chapter its gonna end right here but yeah... I have school tmr so I will try to get as many chapters done today 

Word count : 188

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