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The Pierce family first moved into the Mansion across the street ten years ago when Domenica was far too young to understand the circumstances in which they arrived. It was previously owned by a madman, a recluse. Her father had described him as such, so there was no reason for her to think otherwise. But there was something different about the newcomers, something strange that even all the way across the street, up the steps to the second floor, inside her little brown room Domenica could feel it deep in her bones. It was ever cold yet more familiar to her than the thoughts in her head and the beating of her heart.

Occasionally, the girl, while playing in her front yard, would roll her ball over the asphalt in hopes that someone would come running to play with her until one day a little boy opened the front door of the old mansion, grabbed her ball, and met her in the grass of her yard. They played and played, stopping only when the afternoon sun kissed the horizon. Then the little boy and the little girl said their farewells, each running to their respective homes to eat dinner and go to bed.

Years passed quickly. They both followed the paths their parents paved for them through elementary and middle school, and little by little Domenica's parents shared their opinions of the Pierce family, their trickery and downright wickedness, though they never stayed around long enough to know their true nature, the way Domenica saw them, for her parents traveled more the older she got, and she found herself spending most, if not all, of her time with the Pierces. Contrary to the neighborhood and school gossip, the Pierces were a relatively normal family, as normal as one could be to live in a mansion.

The parents, Mike and Judy, had six sons, the oldest being 24 and the youngest only three. Matthew, the oldest, worked at a car repair shop in the city. After him came Max, a 19 year old depressed poet drowning in his sorrows at the local college. Then came Mayson; 17 years with periodic mood swings and a gift for baking. The middle child was named Nickolas. He was 15, a skilled painter, and Domenica's only friend besides the other brothers of course. Next was Michael, a ten year old with a rock collection and a fascination for all things that scurried in front of him. The youngest was baby Frank. All of them shared dinner over a single table, all of their birthdays were celebrated, all of their dreams of the future were able to be achieved. Domenica wished for anything to be adopted into their family, to live in their gothic style mansion, but she settled with her regular visits. They loved her like one of their own, and that was good enough.


"Why do we need soulmates 101 as a core class? Can't it be an elective?" Domenica collapsed into her desk at the far corner of the classroom, her black backpack nestled between her feet, Nickolas seated in front of her.

"What do you mean? We barely get homework in this class. I basically have an A," he said, taking out a bright red pen from his pocket and a notebook from his backpack. He turned to a page near the end and jotted down a title. It read: Review for test. "Besides, school's almost out anyways. Why make such a big deal about it now?"

"I'm not making a big deal about it. I just think there's better things to learn instead of how to fall in love or whatever they're teaching us."

"Donnie, please. We all know society treats people who have soulmates better than those that are single. They have better lives and are 'happier' or something." He turned to look at her. "Do you really want to end up like that old lady in our neighborhood, walking the streets every morning, noon, and night 'cause she's convinced her soulmate is waiting for her?"

"It wouldn't be too bad."

"I pity you."


"Quiet down, class. Open your notebooks so we can practice for the final." The teacher scribbled various words on the board, none of which Domenica could relate to; soul ties, flare, countdown, emotional link, mental link, physical link. "Who can tell me the connection between these words?" The class was silent. "No one? Let's see... who's birthday is it next?" Nickolas pointed to Domenica. "Domenica, go."

Domenica signed. If it wasn't for her birthday being at the end of May, May 28th to be exact, she would've been free from the torture that is public speaking. "When people turn 16, they get to find their one true love, and once they do, their body glows a vibrant color for all to see called a flare. The flare is then followed by the two lovers' souls tying together for all of eternity, making way for a type of link to emerge that can be mental, emotional, or physical," Domenica recited in a monotone voice.

"Yes, and what are these mental, physical, and emotional links?"

"Well, mental links are most popular in the form of shared dreams, but they can also be telepathy or hallucinations. Physical links are not favored since they commonly come in the form of shared injuries. Rare ones are shared strengths or transferable ink messages when written on the skin. Emotional links are the most dangerous because people with unstable emotions cause crime." Domenica rested her head on her desk, hidden inside her arms, face red. Nothing could be more embarrassing than giving an answer to a teacher in a room that was dead silent. What if she was wrong? What if they laughed at her?

"Very, very good! I hope everyone else was paying attention to what Domenica said because it will be on the final. Now, who can tell me what happens to people who do not find their soulmate?"

The class dragged on for another half hour until the bell rang to dismiss them for the final time that day. Nickolas and Domenica took their usual route to the south side of the school where, like clockwork, they bought a bag of chips at the vending machine to share while they waited for Nickolas' brother, Matt, to get off of work and drive them home. It was warm enough to sit outside comfortably, so they propped themselves on the concrete steps outside of the doors.

"You excited for your birthday?" Nickolas grabbed a chip, smelling it before eating it.

"Not really."

"But you're going to Monaco. That's fun, right?"

"No, my parents are going to Monaco you idiot!" Domenica laughed and smacked Nickolas' arm. "I get to stay home like usual." She grabbed three chips at once and threw them in her mouth.

"So? What's the problem then? That's one more year to celebrate with us!"

"Well, yeah, but I kinda thought they'd at least show their faces for my sweet 16. It's not everyday someone is granted the ability to get a soulmate for crying out loud." She rolled her eyes to the clouds above. They were pearly white amidst a sea of blue. "If I were a cloud, I'm sure they'd love me then."

"I love you. Isn't that enough?"

"It's not the same, Nick. The love of a brother doesn't compare to the love of a parent."

"So, my parents' love doesn't mean anything either? That's cold, Donnie."

"Of course it does, but there's a difference between surrogate parents and birth parents." She ate another chip. "I just... I just wish that they'd give me their attention just this once."

Nickolas rubbed her back in circles, letting her eat the rest of the chips.

"Anyways," she sat up straighter, letting Nickolas' hand fall back to his side, "how's your painting going? You've been working on it for, like, forever now."

It was Nickolas' turn to laugh. "I'm almost finished."

"And then I can see it?"

"And then you can see it. Just don't be too disappointed."

"Disappointed? Man, I am the most appreciative person in the known universe. You should be overjoyed that I'll be the one to look at it first. My eyes never lie."

"Uh huh, sure, and what about the time you thought our neighbor bought a pet donkey when it was actually a dog?"

"I knew that donkey barked too much."

"You're such an idiot."

"You're one to talk, Mr. I-need-to-taste-the-paint-to-tell-if-it's-fresh."

"Hey! That was one time!"

"One time too many."

Honk honk

Domenica smiled. "Time to go home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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