Chapter 2 - its my life not yours

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Luke's POV-
My world .... My everything ... My own flesh and blood ... My own mum ... She was gone. I felt broken, why did it have to happen to me ... The woman that gave birth to me ... the woman that gave me life ... the woman that brought me up ... gone. After I got the news, that my mum had pasted away in her sleep, I went straight to our meeting point, the park. I texted both of Courtney and becky. Courtney said 'I'm so sorry but I'm helping my older sister move house' but becky said 'just let me get dressed and ready and I will be there' I sat on the swing set that I used to play on when I was a little boy. I saw beckys ginger curly hair in the distance, wow she looks beautiful ... nobody understands my feelings for that girl, my best friend. she ran up to me and looked at me she asked me 'what's the matter?' I told her the news I had got. her response was that I had my dad and her and courtney. little did she know my dad is abusive to me. I bet your thinking ... Luke your 18 stand up for yourself ... but it didn't work like that. he would get up and go to work and go to the gym and after he would use me and a punching bag. he never punched my face so it was easy to cover up, and hide from Becky. if I told her she would think I'm weak and stupid, so I kept it from her. he has been like this since my mum got ill and she couldn't defend me anymore, which was about 5 years ago ... nobody even noticed. that's a reason that I can't get closer to Becky is because I was to scared of what was going to happen, if my dad found out that u was dating her ... he would probably start on her too .. or worse. also I didn't start dating her because if we ever got intimate then she would see things like my scars on my wrists and the top of my thighs ... And the bruises on my torso and back ... and the scratch marks on my back. my life after my mum got ill was horrible, but I dealt with it. my dad would say things like...
-You're a embarrassment to this family
- nobody loves you
- go now nobody cares
- you're the reason your mum got ill and died
- it should of been you that was dead not your mother
- you're a selfish prick
It hurt ... a lot. he was suppose to be my dad ... Help me ... teach me ... grow up with me ... but no ... he's to busy using me as a human punch bag... I wish I could tell someone. I'm 18 not 8 ... it's my life not his ... why can't I control it???
Beckys POV -
After I mentioned his dad, he switched off and did say a word or even move. What's happening to him. where's the Luke that I grew up with. my best friend. the boy I fell for over 14 years ago???. I asked him 'luke what's up with your dad?' He froze and slowly said '...nothing...' I quickly replied saying 'yes there is what's happened?' He got angry after me bothering him. he said '... will you just fucking leave it you stupid girl' wait what??? Why did he say that to me??? I looked at him and said 'tell me now I want to know' he screamed at me and shouted 'BECKY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND??? I TOLD YOU I DONT WANT TO FUCKING TELL YOU SO IM NOT GOING TELL YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!!!!' He then did something so awful ... disrespectful ... Defiantly unexpected ... he raised his hand and smacked it across me cheek. I looked at him with shock and disappointment in my eyes. he stepped towards me and I flinched. he looked shocked in himself. he got closer and held my cheek. I moved away quickly and stepped away. he said "I'm ... so .." then I cut him off by tears bursting out my eyes and dribbling down my now bright red cheek. I ran. away. before he could say or do anything else. why did he do that? what did I ever do to him? Why did he call me a stupid bitch? Why was he defensive and distant when I spoke about his dad? Why did he slap me? did he mean it?... All these thoughts were going through my head as I ran down the street and towards my house. I stopped for a second, to get my breath back because it's hard running and crying at the Same time. I looked over to the swings. Luke was sat on the swing with his head in his hands and it looked like he was crying. I turned around and carried on home. I then realise I had left my pennyboard at the park with luke. I couldn't go back so I just left it. then about 1 hour later there was a knock on the door. my mum answered it and it was Luke he had blood shot eyes and my pennyboard in his hand. my mum asked him what had happened and he to her the whole story. she took the pennyboard from his hand and have him a hug and he slowly walked away from the door. I ran upstairs as all the thoughts from before where spinning around my Brain as I tried to figure out the answers and I fell back into my bed and pulled my computer up next to me. I had to rehearse for my audition tomorrow, I was auditioning for the main part in a version of high school musical, I was auditioning to be Gabriella, but if I got the part I would have to live In New York for about 2 years away from my family. but Courtney and Luke were planning on coming with me to my audition tomorrow but I'm guessing that only courtney is coming with me now. Urgh why can't Luke just tell me what is the matter??? Urgh boys omg they're so confusing sometimes.
Omg that was a long chapter
(At the end of each chapter I'm going to say how many words I have wrote and sign it off with my name)
1071 words

Stay beautiful
---// Becky //---

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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