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(SUMTT AHEAD!!! WARNING writing contains harmful and physically violent themes. Read at your own risk!) I hope you guys like it :)

As I lay on my bed, my eyes fixed on the ceiling fan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of suffocation. The humid breeze pushing around the room did little to ease my discomfort. It was as if the air around me was thick with tension, and I struggled to breathe.

Itachi and I had once been in love, but our relationship turned toxic. The man I had loved seemed to have vanished, replaced by a stranger I no longer recognized. I couldn't tell what was true or false with him anymore. The only clear thing was that he enjoyed tormenting me. Every time I tried to bring up anything about why he was doing this, Itachi would become violent, and then, just as quickly, he would be gentle. It was confusing as hell.

All I wanted was the real Itachi back. The Itachi who loved me cared for me and kept me safe. Not this man who was obsessed with making my life miserable. But the truth was, I didn't even know if that Itachi was real anymore. I didn't know if he was feeding me fake memories, and I couldn't tell the difference. It had gotten to the point where I didn't know what was real anymore.

I had no one to confide in, no one to turn to. The longer I stayed confined and alone, the more I began questioning what he was hiding and who Itachi really was. It was dark and lonely, and I didn't know how long I could hold on.

"Itachi," I finally grumbled, knowing there could be consequences, but I was willing to risk it to have one more piece to the puzzle. Each time we spoke, the same thing occurred: his anger, the pain I endured, his kindness brought on by guilt, and then a part of the truth. I lost a piece of myself each time, but I needed to understand him. Itachi turned toward me, wiping water droplets from his face. He looked at me for a moment, his face showing nothing.

"Hn." Itachi's lips formed his usual response, which only frustrated me more. Gathering my courage, I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, "Did you ever love me?" I ask, the words barely above a whisper as I try to hold back the tears, but the emotions are too raw. They felt as if Itachi was ripping out my heart with a rusty spoon. Itachi's eyes widened for a split second, and then anger clouded them.

Tossing the towel onto the sink, he walked toward me. "How many times have I told you (F/N) don't open that pretty little mouth unless it is for my cock." He growls, closing the distance as my eyes drop to my hands. Here it came; I prepared myself mentally, repeating the words 'Anger, Pain, Kindness, and the truth.'

His finger grabs my chin, forcing my gaze to meet his. I bite my tongue, holding back a witty retort, but I can feel my body beginning to shake the fear of what I have to endure, overwhelming my senses.

Itachi's lips curl back, baring his teeth. "Do you know how hard it is to keep you alive when all you do is talk? The only time you should ever speak is when you're on your knees begging me to take your tight little pussy. Or when you're screaming out my name. So, I suggest you do that instead." He seethes, aggressively letting go of my face. He is trying to drop the subject, but I won't let him; I refuse.

My fingers curl, scraping against the fabric of my jeans, as they reach my palms, digging into the flesh. My voice quivers, "Please answer me." When the words leave my lips, Itachi's head whips back towards me; his eyes crimson, and his Sharingan spins. "You think I'm fucking joking. Do you enjoy pissing me off, or are you just stupid? Because right now, it's hard to tell which is the case." He spits, taking a menacing step toward me.

"Why don't you ever listen," Itachi growls as his fingers dig into the soft flesh of my chin. "How many times must I teach you this lesson." His grip tightens as he forces my gaze to his. The tears fall down my cheeks, stinging my skin, my bottom lip quivering as the pain takes over. Itachi's hand leaves my face, but the relief is short-lived; a second later, a hard smack resonates off the walls as his open palm collides with my cheek. My body lurches to the side as my face explodes with pain, and I hit the floor. I can taste blood, but all I can focus on is the burning sensation on the side of my face.

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