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I raised my head, looking at my bedroom that was being opened, Neacky entering .

" Why are you awake this late?" i quickly asked .

Neacky looked at me very speechless, shaking her head .

" It's 8am in the morning," Neacky said .

" Did you stay up all night?" Neacky asked, opening the window curtains.

I yawned, stretching my hands in the air . I hadn't realised it was morning already.

I took off my glasses, rubbing my heavy eyes .

" mom has taken the kids to school ," Neacky said.

" Okay," i tiredly said .

" Did you want anything?" i asked,standing up, stretching, and yawning again.

" i only came to check on you," Neacky said.

" Are you okay?" she added .

" No, i want to sleep," i said, entering my bed.

Right as i covered myself, my phone started buzzing .

I deeply exhaled, reaching for it, answering it .

" Skylar, where the fuck are you " Bradon asked ,he sounded very tensed.

" at home, whats wrong " i asked .

" the book that ordered to be published yesterday, have you seen all the mistakes in it . Its even the wrong book cover " Bradon said .

" the author is here yelling ,wanting to unsign with us " Bradon quickly added, losing it .

" WHAT "  i shouted, jumping out of bed .

" thats impossible " I paniced ,running to my closet hurriedly picking out an outfit.

" you better come here in less than a minute, the offices are upside down." Bradon added.

" i am on my way " i said , hanging up immediately.

" FUCK ."  I loudly shouted, pulling out at outfit .

" whats wrong " Neacky asked .

"Something aint right with the book ,i ordered to be published. I dont know what exactly went wrong, " i said, rushing into the bathroom .

Neacky sighed, confused as i was.

In just a few , i was out of the bathroom , throwing on my outfit , i held my hair up . Grabing my purse and phone, rushing out of the room .

" shit " I shouted , running back inside my bedroom, to my closet picking out a pair of heels .

I didn't bother wearing them, just held them, then ran out .

" Babi ..."  Charles called as i ran out of the house, but i didn't want to hear anything.

" Why is she on such a rush?" Dad asked .

" something has happened at the office office " Neacky said .

" she didnt even sleep , she has been writing all night " Neacky added .

Dad sighed painfully.

" she needs a life outside her job. " Dad sadly said .


In about 10 mins , i was inside the evolving, putting on my shoes from the elevator, going up to the offices.

I deeply exhaled ,composing my self.

forbidden things are always the sweetest. The Aftermath Where stories live. Discover now