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At wedding day

Misty getting ready

May - Misty you looking so pretty if I was guy so I will definitely fall in love with you

Misty - Ohh May what are you saying?

Dawn - Yeah she loves Red not you as a lover

May - But still she loves me

Misty - Yeah i love you

Red - My wife love someone else

May - Oh jealousy husband she loves us have you any problem

Red - Oh....ummm....there is no problem

May - Good then

And Then look at Misty

Dawn - I think we have to go outside

May - But why ?

Dawn - For getting ready

May - But we are already

Dawn cover her mouth and take her outside with her then Red hug Misty

Red - You know I am so happy today

Misty - Me too

Red - Today we are going to together

Misty - Yes

Someone entered in room

Sarena - Sorry lovebirds i disturb you but I guess Red you have to go outside now

Red - But i don't want

Sarena - Don't you want to get married

Red - Yeah i want ok i am coming and then he go out

Sarena hug Misty

Sarena - Misty i am so happy for you today

Misty - Thank you so much Sarena

When Red go out someone put a hankey infront of his face and he get faint and take two guys take him
And after sometime bride come but she see Red was not at his place they all started searching of him but nobody can found him

At Ash house

He was getting ready for Misty and Red wedding but then Arata come in his room

Arata - Sir listen

And after listening those words his eyes getting wide and without thinking he run from there

Red - Leave me leave me who the hell are you

Two boys grab him but he beat them when he come in his sense and started to go from there but then he saw Ash there

Red - Ash you

But he punch him

Red - What the hell are you doing?

Ash - Do you think I am ready to give Misty to you never

Red - Ash you bas....

He was going to say something he saw from other side Ash coming

Red - What 2 Ash

Ash - No I am real Ash Red he was the person send by my father because he comes to know i became calm person now and he is not me he wear but the face of someone else and he also wear mask you see Arata inform me because my father tell Arata to make me busy but he tell me and I reach there

Red - Ohh no problem Ash thanks for coming here

But then the duplicate Ash shoot him Ash run towards him and grab him

Evil Lover (A pokeshipping story)Where stories live. Discover now