48 : Parasite

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I wake up next to Jimin, I had not left yesterday. I make featherlight movements to get up so I don't wake him up, he has a hard time sleeping these days

"I have looked through Hong Taecyeon's whereabouts too, aside from him there could be no other enemy large enough to hide her " Jungkook says

"And Kim Sejong is dead, did you looked at all the police head quarters? If that punk served the government, he should be in police or military" Taehyung reminds

"Nope, not there too" Jungkook says

"The naval forces wouldn't dare risk their life's, they know a bomb is all it takes to lose thousands of men" Taehyung says

All the army seemed to be hearing, no one looked right. All of them were worried about mother.

Jungkook knew exactly where she is, and still is acting coy. It takes all the power of my being to restrain myself from stabbing him with the knife in my hand I took to cute fruits

The whole penthouse seemed to me having an unrest


I comeback to Jimin's room with breakfast only to find the bed empty.

I watch him standing by the window, he's probably washed up, his hair dripping.

"Let's eat" I say, putting tray on the bed

"I've got no appetite" he says, not sparing to look behind me

"That's because you're eating along for a while, you'll find your appetite if you eat with me" I urge

He looks behind upon hearing this, he seems uneasy

"I'm not hungry "he says again

I hold his hand to put him to sit with me, only to realise he has a fever

"Jimin, you're burning up" I put a hand on his forehead

He doesn't say anything, I forcefully make him sit beside me

"You're eating" I say, taking a spoonful of fried rice into his mouth

He doesn't look too pleased but having no way out, he chews it. Gradually one spoon after another, I make him finish the bowl.

"You should sleep more ," I say

"What what about Mom?" He says, brows furrowing

"We'll search for her, at this rate if you get up, you'll faint and be more of a bother than a help" I say sharply knowing that's the only way he'd listen

And he does, he lies down and I pull the blanket over him.


After Jimin had fallen asleep, I decided to fold the laundry for him. He wouldn't be int the mood to do it in a while.

*Dung dong*

The bell rings

Jimin stirs in sleep, I pay his back. He settles down again

I go to the door, opening to see Jungkook.

I close the door from outside behind me,


Then I slap Jungkook as hard as I can

"It's about time you come to me for the slap you deserve on your cheek" I say

"Had the time of your life with the slap?" He asks with a sadistic smirk

"Why are you here? Where is Omma " I ask

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