22nd September 2019

I helped Clair to get down and by the end when we were finally at the ground she collapses. "oh my gosh, are you alright?" I ask her. She just nervously laughs. "y-yeah I'm just glad I didn't die." She stutters. I help her to get back up. "girl look. MY whole body is shaking." She says, showing me her hand. "no need to show me your hand, it's obviously." I say laughing. Her legs were shaking so much. "My arms hurt so much. Due to the adrenalin i wasn't feeling this up there but now. I swear my arms are gonna fall off." She laughs. "alright, lets just sit down, shall we?" I say, taking her by her hands. We sit down by a bench near. "Why didn't you say you were afraid of heights?" I ask her handing her a bottle of water. "I just wanted to do this for you." She say, opening the bottle. "But- it was actually fun... well until i went to high." She says taking a big sip of water. "aren't you afraid of heights?" She ask me breathing out heavily. "Not at all. I'm like afraid of the stupidest things." I laugh nervous. "Like what?" She ask grinning. "the dark." I laugh. "yeah sure." She laughs. My smile faded away. Her eyes go wide. "Actually?" She ask shocked. "Yeah, it's stupid right?" I ask. "I- uh.. well" she just stutters trying to find words.

After a while we went back to the camp. Clair stayed with me and talked to me. We sneaked back to our spot so the teachers wouldn't notice that we are out of their 'tend zone'. Arriving at the tend, i threw my bag into the tend and sit down outside by the campfire, Clair was about to light. 2hey you want to go watch the sunset?" She suddenly ask, stopping to light the fire. "How do we wanna watch the sun set. We are in the middle of the woods girl." I say frowning. "Follow the stars." She laughs awkward. "So you already know a spot?" I ask her. She smile at me and nods. "alright then lets go." I say getting up. "But we kind of have to hurry if she want to see it. It's already quite late." she says walking down a little hill. "as long as we don't have to run."

We actually made it in time to a very beautiful spot. it was up a mountain and by the end of a little cliff you were able to see over all the trees and watch perfectly the sunset. its truly magical. The sun warmth is making this so cozy. "Lets sit down shall we?" I ask her and walk over to the cliff's end. It's pretty deep here. I look back at Clair, who was standing still at the same spot, facing the floor. "What?" I ask chuckling. She looks at me but still says nothing before looking down again. Oh. "Oh shit. Is it the height?" I ask her wand walk over to her, rubbing her arm to comfort her. "Y-yeah." She stutters shyly. "Come on, I'll help you." I say, taking one of her hands slowly into mine. She slowly faces me, her look is just... I don't even know. It's like I see her. I nod my head, and she nods it do. We slowly walk over to the edge and every time she'd squeeze my hand harder, I'd squeeze it back, letting her know I'm with her. "It's fine." I say and sit down with her, not too close to the edge. Well over all it isn't really save so close to the edge after all. 

We just sit there. No one talks. Clair is actually a nice person. I thought she was pretty mean at first. Well she was. I still don't understand why she kissed me. I don't want to bring it up. That would 'weird out' the whole situation right now. If I think about it, it was really weird- She kissed me in the bathroom and ran out all pissy, then when I confronted her she got also all pissy. Its not like she's been obviously trying to hide her smiles a day ago and now she is all 'best friend forever' shit- It's not like I don't like the fact that we get long but I absolutely don't understand her.

"What is it with your friends?" I ask her looking into the view. "What do you mean?" She ask looking at me. "Well they are all being total assholes and you don't even seems to like them. SO what is this?" I ask her, finally looking at her. "well, if I'm being honest, their not really my friends. Like they are just friends with me because I'm popular." She says, looking down. "what about your boyfriend?" I ask, grinning. She looks into the distance. "He just happend. Like we were at a party and played spin the bottle and we had to kiss and ever since we were a couple. I don't even like him anymore. Gosh I don't think I don't even like boy's anymore." She says. She stops for a moment. Her whole body freezes, her eyes go wide. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. "Is that the reason you kissed me?" 

Clair's sight

My heart sinks into my pants. I stare at the floor. "W-what?" I ask her with a shaky voice.  I glace over seeing that Billie just realized what happend. Her eyes go wide and she stares at the floor. "Uhm you know what? Let's go back..." Billie says standing up. I fastly grab her hand. Billie turns around to look at me. "W-what?" She ask rude. "Do I look like I go back of this cliff alone, risking to fall off?" I ask her smiling. "Gosh you are a drama queen." She says rolling her eyes. She grabs my by my hand and pulls me back up, walking with me a few meters away from that cliff, before letting go of my hand. "Wow someone is not in the mood." I say crossing my arms.

23rd September 2019

I hear the birds chirp. I slowly open my eyes. I wasn't freezing like the last night. I was warm. Guess why. I was being a big spoon for Billie, being all cuddled up behind her. I slowly pull my arm away. Why the fuck would I cuddle her. Thank god she is sleeping else she'd probably know. "good-" 

-19 may 2024

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