Chapter 1: Creations and Chaos

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They were bored.

So, very, terribly bored.

Books, papers and pens strewn out all over the wooden desk in front of them, and right in the middle was a map of a world they lovingly named [Twisted Wonderland], all hand-drawn and inked meticulously by the hands of the creator themself. A holographic screen shone above it, displaying every landmarks and activities on the map with the events currently happening there.

However, this little world they created, regardless of all the passion and care they poured in, it became rather... bland, to say the least.

Just as how they tampered with their subjects' history with their (admittedly sometimes) misleading narratives, they also created several drawbacks to balance out the magic flowing in every corner of the world, to the point of fatal destruction. They had been quite curious to see what would happen, once they had written down the worst drawback a magic user could potentially face: mana exhaustion.

Every magic user has a different mana core. They can use as much mana their reserved core provided, but with enough practice, their core may expand to accommodate their growing magic. However, the magic residue will accumulate with how much mana they have been using, especially if they use magic constantly. And if there is too much residue in their core, it- well, liquefies into blot, since Twisted Wonderland's dwellers are essentially created from ink and paper. Of course, the blot will harm the victim the longer it stays in their system, eventually ceasing their existence. 

An unbreakable curse laid upon the magic users of Twisted Wonderland. All were doomed by the hands of their own creator.

To the creator, on the other hand, it brought back a sick sense of interest, after watching their subjects being sent into mass hysteria after one of them coughed up a lung full of ink as viscous as syrup. And the blot took form of an horrid inky creature, wreaking havoc among the area. 

The unfortunate city was soon reduced to ashes and wiped clean from the map. The victim of mana exhaustion, with a final painful shriek, melted into a puddle of blot, staining the cracked stone ground that was once a lively street bustling with merchants and travellers.

"Interesting..." They hummed, twirling a pencil between their calloused fingers as their multiple eyes scanned the damages. The inky mass of blob seemed to have mutated and possessed a mind of its own, driven by the vessel's most desired need and resorted to violence. They quickly jotted down what they had observed, muttering to themself as they did.

... They were a bit peeved that they did not think about that beforehand.

The omniscient being decided to observe a bit more. And much to their surprise (and slight disappointment), the little humans had found ways to prevent mana exhaustion only a couple years after the unfortunate event. Their creations were evolving faster than their initial thought.

And they soon grew bored again, watching as time flew by in Twisted Wonderland.

Nothing exciting ever happened, they frowned. They needed their daily dose of drama, even if they got slapped in the face with unresolved family issues every day in that matter. But that is a story for another day.

Despite their face features being shadowed completely, a small amused smile found its way to their dark lips as their glowing golden eyes trained on a certain school on the hills of sage island.

Perhaps a bit of universal trolling should do the trick. They grinned wickedly and began to jot down on their endless pages of notebook.

And this time, they will actively mess with the storyline of this world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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