-Chapter 6: Feel The Fear In My Enemy's Eyes-

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It took a while to move all our things around. In fact, halfway through, Jinsol and I left to do a live while the others sorted out their things.

The roommates were Kyujin, Yunjin and I, Lily and Jiwoo, and Yoona and Jinsol.

Finally, after ages, we moved into our rooms and could finally rest. Well, as much as we can before we begin our manager decided to come back in to round us up for recordings and stuff. We had to record the music video for Dice, along with prepping our Kcon stages and more. It was insanely stressful for all of us, but we made sure to keep each other's mood up and enjoy our time too. This is our first comeback and, even though our debut wasn't the most liked, we knew our power as a group.

Right now, we're standing on set for the Dice video. We just finished filming our individual parts and are touching up our makeup and hair for the group dances and scenes. The first one (before we get sweaty), we all sit at a table together playing a board game. Simple, right? It's the calm before the storm. Currently, they're filming Yunjin flicking a card while saying the line 'Vamos Amigos', so the rest of us were just watching, messing with the props or staring into space. I feel nerves rise in my body when Yunjin does her 5th take, seemingly unable to flick the card right.

It always stresses me out when the members or myself are unable to get a part right. Not because they feel like a letdown, but because it results in us taking more time, falling behind ons schedule and tiring us out more than it should. I also know it messes with their mental health too, making them doubt themselves, similarly to when Lily couldn't hit her note back then. I bite my lip in worry as I watch Yunjin film again.

That's until I feel a hand on my leg, making me stop bouncing my leg....even though I didn't even realise I was doing that. I glance to my right to see Lily already looking at me. The hand on my leg leaves, making me miss the contact a bit as Lily offers me a smile. "Hey, don't worry." she whispers, tilting her head. "Take a deep breath, calm down. We've got this." She mutters. I sneakily grab her hand, feeling her tighten her grip on mine as I take a deep breath. As I do it, I can feel Lily's gaze on me, making my heart quicken a bit.

Now is not the time, Haewon.

I open my eyes, looking back at the blonde to see her grin. "Better?" She asks. I nod, smiling lightly. "Better. Thanks, Unnie." I whisper. "That's my Haewonie." She says, releasing my hand. As I look back at Yunjin, I just about catch her doing the perfect take, meaning we could continue and all things are good in the world.

I guess calming down can do more good than harm. Yet, as I look back at the blonde, I could feel myself smile. She always can calm me down. It's her power.


Filming finished for today late, resulting in all 7 of us getting back to the dorm extremely tired and ready to pass out. The ride back was silent, most of us on our phones or asleep. We were split in two different cars, with Jinsol, Yoona, Yunjin and Jiwoo in one car and Me, Lily and Kyujin in the other.

Lily and I are sitting in the back seats, Kyujin in the middle seats next to our manager. Kyujin is fast asleep, her headphones in and head leaning on the window. I find it adorable. She really is the child of the group sometimes. Her and Jiwoo are precious to the rest of us. Innocent in such a mature way. I glance at Lily, catching her eye as she smiles at me. "I know, Kyu is so cute right now." She whispers, chuckling lightly. I nod, smiling as ai glance at the red haired girl.

Lily yawns, leaning on the window too as we continued our journey. I could tell she was also slowly falling asleep, but the place our set was a bit far away because of how big and complicated they are. As we go over a speed bump, the car jostles, making Lily accidentally hit her head on the window and then sitting up. "Ow." She mumbles, rubbing her head. Kyujin didn't do the same because she was using her jacket as a pillow.

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