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Alisha's Pov
As Alisha was waking up she went straight to doing her hygiene looking at the time she seen it was 1:30 and it at least was going to take her 30-1hr long too get ready. Td she had to cut that time short because she wanted to go see Trey.

She ended up finishing getting ready by 2:00 so she had enough time to get her fav fast food which was CFA. As she pulled up she seen her ex girl bsf. She didn't mean mug her or nun she just gave her cash cause she felt like she would've took a picture of her card.

She told her to keep the 100 dollar bill cause she felt like she wouldn't have have her the correct change. She grabbed her food and headed to the location that was givin to on a an 100 dollar bill. She made it at 2:20 and realized it was the park she used to go to when she was younger.

She wanted to cry but she knew she was in public. It had brought so many memories from the past that she didn't know why he would bring her here it was like he wanted her to feel at a vulnerable state which she didn't wanna be in rn.

She was actually in a good mood td, which this changed it all the way around. It was 2:30 and she had just finished eating and threw her trash away. She seen Trey and went up to the table that he was sitting at. Hey Trey I just got finished eating but I was in the parking lot.

What made you bring us here and why not any where else.

Trey's Pov
Hey Lisha and I brought us here bc I wanted this to be a special closure moment. I realized that I always left good girls on bad terms which was never my intention. I hate the fact that I didn't tell you what was going on. I sure ash wasn't acting like a man at the time.

When you left me at the airport I felt like all hell came loose and I didn't know what to do. My drinking had got bad, smoking was all I wanted to do. I wouldn't eat, sleep nun of dat. Also I ended up going to jail for a week in a half part due to our situation.

I just want to let yk Lisha imma always love you and be there for u no matter what girl I'm with. You were my first love sense we was kids. No girl would ever come b4 u even my baby mama and ik that sounds weird but it's true.

Yes I may be in a relationship with her but that's because I couldn't have u and I felt like that was best for my son.

The girl I was with we was at a moment tied and that all went away because of some post. The other girl my "first baby mama" she isn't cause that not even my child. So I blocked her and now she don't have my number.

That day that we had went to chipotle; I wasn't aware that she worked there so when I seen her I completely zoned out. We had a talk abt my son which at the time I knew she had a kid I just didn't know the gender. I felt like that I needed to get to know my kid.

I didn't wanna be like my father and you of all people know how much I hate to see, be around and look at my father. I didn't wanna be that for my child.

I had yo food made then I left. When I get in the car you didn't even give me a chance to explain which I completely understood because I should've told you from the jump.

Especially with me knowing abt your ex and what he did to u. I'm sorry for making you feel like you wasn't enough. That wasn't fair too u. Destiny you a good girl, you made the choice too leave and get what u need mentally and I respect you for that.

In all honesty the day we were at that airport ik I couldn't stop you from leaving, I could tell your mind was made up, I just wanted to try. I had a talk with Jayla like two or three weeks later and she woke me all the way up.

When you left for those months it hurt Jayla she would ask abt you everyday, I ain't wanna tell her you moved because u needed to do that but I atleast expected you to tell her sooner.

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