Birthday wishes Part 2

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Francessa's: POV
Mommy and I just got finished up at the nail salon. We've already been to the hair dresser, we're the stylist washed and deep conditioner my hair and blow dried straight. Mommy's hair took a little longer than mine did cause mommy has extremely long curly hair, mommy decided to do something different this time. Ms. Kim gave mom some highlights in her hair since today's a special day for mommy, we were celebrating her birthday ,we've been all over the mall shopping buying anything and everything. After receiving a generous gift from my Grandfather who gave us each two thousand in visa gift cards and paid for us to go the nailer and hair, once we were finished our services grandpa picked us up and brought us back to the house. He helped carried the bags inside, l went to find mama while mommy headed upstairs to get dressed. As l was looking for mama l accidentally bumped into my brother Brandon. he looks me up and down like he wanted to say something but I went about my way then Brandon called my name
I turned around and just stared at him
is it something you wanted Brandon Francesca asked her big brother, never mind Brandon says to me so I went to go up the stairs to put my new outfit for mommy's dinner party. Neither my brother and l realized that mama witnessed the whole exchange between my brother and I
I guess she was hoping we would talk to each other at least, l don't know how to talk to Brandon knowing he was writing to the man in prison who hurt me badly. Till this day l still struggling with night Terrors and anxiety from the attack l endure. My mom's have me in outpatient therapy, I go regularly to see my therapist Mia we talk about different things. Then we speak about what happened in the cabin we're l was held captive. I always ended up crying after our session, now I found a way to cope. I took up drawing as a way to deal with everything, l decided to go check up on mommy when I saw that her bedroom door was closed. So I headed straight to my room and took out one of my new outfits to wear tonight for the party, l laid out my
Mint green sundress and went to wash up in the bathroom. I turned on the bath tub then let the water run, then threw in my wash cloth. I got out of my clothes and put them in the Landry basket, l stepped inside the tub and soaked a little.

Lena's: POV
I was in my room getting ready for tonight's dinner party my wife was thrown me. After telling her l didn't want one this year
I finally gave up and said okay, all my closest friends and a few of my colleagues from the university where l worked at were
My best friend Tamra was flying out from Atlanta Georgia. Some of our gay friends were coming as well, l didn't see my wife and son when I came into the house. Because I came straight upstairs to get showered and get ready for this evening's festivities. I know Stef went all out that's the kinda woman she is, our family has gone through so much this year. Losing my mother to cancer eight months ago was still painful for me and my dad, but tonight l decided to push it to the side and try to enjoy myself. After putting on my dress
I headed into the bathroom to do my make-up, l enjoy time with my daughter francessa. It was good to see her smiling again, we went to the hair dresser got our hair done. Then we went to the nail salon and got our nails and toes done, after putting the finishing touches on. I came out the bathroom, and slipped on my shoes, l went over to the floor length mirror and looked at myself in the mirror taking in my appearance. I looked good to be thirty five years old, l exit the bedroom and headed down the stairs and l saw my handsome son sitting on the couch. Hi sweetheart
I'm so glad to see you Lena says to her oldest son who stood up to greet his mom
With a big hug and he handed her a small gift bag, happy birthday mom Brandon said
Thanks bee Lena replies as she peaks through the bag and saw a small square box.  Lena decided to wait until later to open up the gift, Brandon have you seen your mama around Lena asks. I believe she's outside in the backyard with grandpa
Brandon states, okay l'll be back in a few
Lena walks off carrying the bag in her hand.

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