chapter 1

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( Night time)
Katuski and shoto are enjoying there alone time sitting on sofa cuddling and watching a movie)

Bakugou: hey shoto, I was thinking lets buy a new house which is more spacious with a big garden just like you want

Shoto: Seriously!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO BUY A NEW HOUSE
I love you katuski
Yay !!!

Bakugou : so tomorrow let's go to finalise our sweet home
   And placed a kiss on shotos forehead
Shoto blushed and buried his face on katsuki's chest .

Bakugou: still not used to kisses I see 😂

He said ruffling shoto's hair

Next morning

Bakugou: Wake up sleeping beauty . Prince shoto time to rise and shine

Shoto: 5 more min  don't be loud ok

After a long struggle shoto was ready with his bakugou for his hero work

All we have to do is patrolling today then we are off
Then we can go for search for our new house right KATSUKI right

Yes my dear
But before that lets finish our work

They went on different paths
For patrolling
Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound coming from a mile

Bakugou ran towards the location and called the hero info

Hello this is dyanamite talking
I heard a a loud crashing sound from a mile near Sakura garden
I am heading towards there....
Hanging now

O shit
What on the earth is this thing

( A big nomu
Which was practically throwing things and they were getting teleported in another dimension)

You piece of shit
The great dyanamite is here

The nomu was thrown a distance away
But was still not enough
The fight continued

Red riot came for help

Dyanamite we are here don't worry

Harding quirk activated
All 4 of them combined there attack and
After a long struggle

Won the fight

Yay ! Guys we won
That was preety close right
Ya sure was

Bro that was manly
But what's that a pearl or something near the bush

Wait let me see
Kacchan wait we should not touch that thing that's creepy you know

Shut up deku

I think midoriya is right Katsuki
It can be dangerous
We should take precautions

Don't worry shoto  that nomu is already dead
What can it do

Bakugou picked the pearl and as he was speaking it somehow sucked him inside pearl

See nothing happ....


Shoto ran towards bakugou but before he could catch him he was inside the pearl

Shoto picked the pearl and starting yelling and crying

Behind him were kirisima and deku
In complete shock

Hey hey hey bakugou
It's not funny
Where are you
I told you
Why the hell you have to touch this pearl


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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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