- Sixty-second -

375 21 3

Minho had completely regained his senses, but his body still wouldn't obey. He was horribly frustrated, because he found himself at the complete mercy of his enemies, with absolutely nothing he could do. Well, he feared Taehyung most of all, because the man was cruel beyond description. Kim Taehyung was afraid of nothing and no-one, and he had proved that throughout his career. Jeongguk, however, was not of the same ilk. The singer wanted people to believe that he had changed, that he had become stronger, but this was not the case. Yes, he'd already killed the others, but so what? Those idiots were as cowardly as Jeongguk. They clung to Minho like leeches, from that famous day to when Jeongguk went after them. What the singer didn't know was that Minho had handed the others over to him on a silver platter. He had ordered them not to say anything, not to tell the police. And they had blindly obeyed him. Minho had taken great pleasure in raping Jeongguk. He'd taken just as much pleasure in seeing his accomplices being slaughtered.

The man let out a long sigh, which caused Jeongguk some confusion. As for Taehyung, he was sitting on one of the tables at the back of the classroom, arms folded across his chest, silently observing the scene.

"I think you've had enough fun, Jeongguk." Minho said, exasperated. "Now come to your senses. Untie me, ask Kim to give me back my shareholders, and let's go our separate ways, like we've been doing up to now. Be rational and intelligent for once."

Taehyung arched an eyebrow at this, and immediately turned to Jeongguk to see his reaction. The young man hadn't moved, his face devoid of emotion, staring at Kang without even blinking.

"You're not taking me seriously, are you Minho?" Jeongguk asked, in a strangely calm voice.

Minho held back a laugh.

"What's there to take seriously? You can't touch me, Jeongguk. That's the way it is. You're incapable of hurting me. And do you know why?"

He paused for a moment, plunging his insolent gaze into Jeongguk's, who wasn't showing the slightest emotion.

"Because you're afraid of me. And you can't beat what you fear."

Minho had certainly expected a reaction from the singer, but certainly not the one that unfolded before his eyes. Jeongguk nodded softly as a smile found its way to his lips.

"You're right, Minho. It doesn't happen very often, but I have to say I agree with you completely. I'll never be able to surpass you as long as I'm still afraid of you."

He took a long breath, summoning up all the courage he had in him, and walked slowly towards his prisoner, who was looking at him with curiosity and confusion, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He finally stopped just in front of him, plunging Minho into the darkness of his shadow as he towered over him. His face was cold, his eyes wide but void. From this point of view, Jeongguk looked almost... terrifying.

"That's why I'm going to make you fall so low that I'll have no reason to fear you again."

He didn't give Minho time to react, turning to face Taehyung, whose pride could be seen on his face (and lust, but he probably wouldn't admit it. What could he do? Jeongguk was sexy when he was wild).

"I suppose this is where I come in?" interjected the gangster, straightening up to pick up a small briefcase lying at his feet."

Jeongguk hurried over to him as the gangster opened the case to show him the contents. Minho couldn't see it from where he was, but the sadistic smile on Jeongguk's lips was not a good sign. He was beginning to feel anxious. He thought Jeongguk was incapable of hurting him in the slightest, that he was too cowardly for that.

What if... that wasn't the case?

"J-Jeongguk, what are you going to do?" Minho stammered, unable to hide the wave of panic inside him.

But he was royally ignored, the two lovers far too focused on the contents of the case. Jeongguk's eyes were riveted on the many weapons and tools inside, all perfectly arranged, lined up for his convenience.

"Can I really use everything?" he asked timidly.

Taehyung smiled at the singer's hesitation. The moment was dark, morbid even, but he was nevertheless sordidly adorable. Taehyung was completely whipped.

"Of course, anything for my little prince."

Jeongguk blushed at the nickname, and a small smile formed on his lips.

"Do you know what you're going to do to him?" asked the gangster, as the two lovers let their gazes wander between the various tools.

Jeongguk shrugged.

"At first, I wanted to do the same thing to him as he did to me, but when I think about it, this guy is so disturbed and perverted that he might enjoy it."

Taehyung held back a laugh, his eyes riveted on the little singer with interest. He couldn't wait to see what the young man would choose. Jeongguk let his fingers glide over the various tools in the case for a moment, knowing he was being watched by both Taehyung and Minho. The young CEO was so stressed that his emotions could be felt throughout the room. And no matter how many times he called Jeongguk to get some sort of explanation from him, to get assurances that the singer wouldn't do anything, Jeongguk continued to ignore him. The torture had already begun, and he hadn't even realised it.

"Oh, I've got an idea..." Jeongguk muttered suddenly, grabbing a large steel pliers.

Taehyung's smile widened, contorting into a psychotic expression, but he said nothing, content to watch silently as Jeongguk turned away from the case, tool in hand, and slowly approached Minho. And the man was looking increasingly terrified, seeing Jeongguk approach him while his face remained devoid of the slightest emotion.

"W-What are you going to do?!" Minho exclaimed.

It was bad. Really bad. For the first time in his life, he was afraid of someone. He really was. He had never felt in danger. On the contrary, it was up to others to feel in danger with him, to be constantly on their guard, to fear his every move, because he was all-powerful. But today, the roles had been reversed. From hunter to hunted. And of all the people on Earth, it was the least likely of all who had become his predator. The one who should have remained prey all his life.


The young man snapped out of his thoughts, looking into Minho's dark eyes for the first time in many minutes. And Jeongguk was taken aback when he saw the agitation in Minho's eyes. He'd never thought he'd ever see that anxiety and fear reflected in Kang Minho's eyes. Because of him. It was new.

And thrilling.

"Don't worry, Minho." the singer whispered to him, with a softness in his voice that made him shiver. "I'm not going to rape you. After all, I'm not a monster. No, rather..."

He began to play with the pliers in his hands, a sadistic smile gradually forming on his lips.

"I'm going to start by ripping off your nails one by one, then making you fucking eat them."


Hello! Sorry, I'm aware that I don't really communicate with you, and I rarely respond to your comments, but that doesn't mean I don't read and appreciate them! It's just that when I see them, it can be like two days later, and I feel so guilty that I don't respond at all.... Yeah, I'm a real dumbass!

Hope you liked the chapter anyway, and see you soon!💕

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