Episode 2: Vulpimancer: Vulpi

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-In space-

In a large ship, in space far from any planet nearby, inside was a large room, several robotic androids were busy repairing the few broken parts around that seem to had taken damage from a previous fight. One walked up to the large pod in the room, bowing down near it to speak to whoever was inside.

"Sir, the chaquetrix has been located" A robotic android said, awaiting the response from the half dead warlord inside

"Then prepare to send droids towards it's location...I want the device now" The squid faced warlord said, his voice being muffled by the device around his mouth to speak, his body was nearly destroyed, he had no arms or legs and pieces of his skin was flaked off

"Sir, there is just one problem with that..."

"What is it...?" He narrowed his eyes at the droids in front of him

"The device has seemed to already found itself a host and tracking it down it's signature from a  far....and it's already being used as we speak" The droid explained

"Then send multiple, bring whoever possesses the device NOW! I want the chaquetrix!" The warlord said, his voice showed anger when he wasn't pleased when hearing the device he desired was already in use of someone else, he had long...and long plans in using the device and he was going to get it no matter what, even if he had to come out of this pod, half dead and rip it off another species arms

"Yes sir..." The droid bowed before getting up again and went off 

Outside of the ship, the bottom of the ship opened, sending out a large robot like pod and another that was much smaller. It flew through space, tracking the source of the device and reached earth, it didn't take long, not even a hour before it reached earth and crashed down, falling in the same spot where the chaquetrix first landed. It morphed and revealed it tall robot like body before it scanned around the area, noticing the crater and pod below, but no chaquetrix.

It began to search and look around, it's three robotic legs begam moving and pushed any tree that got in it's way. While the other one, which instead of walking, actually floated as it zoomed through the trees and too searched for the device as well.

-Back with Y/N-

After hours since Y/n and the pyronite first had sex, Both and his cousin and grandpa had to take care of the fire that was spreading around the forest, but after that it was...well wasn't easy to explain the story. In fact, gwen herself didn't take it well, no matter how many times he tried to explain he was the innocent one in the situation.

In the RV, while max was outside near the campfire that the pyronite had helped set on. Gwen was busy yelling at the naked boy who looked at the floor ashamed, being bonked on the head while forced to hear the loud insults even the old man from outside could hear, but chose to ignore.

"Idiot! Pervert! Loser! dick thinker!" She yelled, continuously bonking the boy on the head while he was forced to take it, to say he would argue, but he felt ashamed as well from the fact that he was not only caught, but that he had sex with an alien and was going to be a soon to be father "What the heck were you thinking!? What was that thing and why the fuck were you having sex with it!? or how is your dick not burned!"

"Look I'm not proud of it...she wanted to do it, and she was way stronger then me...plus she was too cute to just push away..." he glanced away to avoid eye contact from the cousin, he didn't hate the alien when she was being forceful, but she had done it in a way that it was hard to think she had any evil intentions

"Your so disgusting, I can't believe you lost your virginity to an alien! What's even her name anyway!?" She asked, pointing out the window where the flaming alien was busy eating a marshmallow on a stick with her grandfather in law

The chaquetrix (Male reader x female alien one shots) lemonsWhere stories live. Discover now