Chapter IX ❝..The STORM❞

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              ⤜3rd POV⤛

It's time. After having eaten breakfast and getting fully ready Techno, Peggy and her friends head to school. Techno has yet to tell Peggy about what's happening today but he figured she'd find out with everyone else. Now, since today is different, Simon drops Peggy and her friends off first and then drives Techno to a side entrance so that he isn't spotted by students. Once out and sneaking his way to said door he thanks Simon and lets him be on his way. Waiting for him at the door is Yulia, she hold it open for him as he enters and is met with Skeppy and Phil.

"Good mornin' mate! Ready for your big debut?" Phil asked excitedly. "Uhh...To put it bluntly.. No. And debut?? -sigh- Are you guys sure everything is okay? I mean I'll be fine but I'm worried for everyone else.." He expresses. "Everything is fine, I have checked the security of everything and if anything goes wrong there is a plan and for the students are medics.. Just in case, Skeppy ordered them to be here." Yulia points behind her at Skeppy. "You don't actually think something could happen.. Skep?" Techno looks at him sarcastically. "..Hey! I'm just being EXTRA prepared, okay?! Just in case.." He huffs and turns to the doors leading to a back hallway that goes to the auditorium. "Come on, we'll be starting soon." Just as he says that, Skeppy's dad comes on the announcements. "Alright, Good morning everyone! Teachers please take your time to check emails and begin heading towards the auditorium. Other morning announcements will be held off until after- sorry before we begin the main reasoning for the sudden gathering. Students are welcome to finish breakfast and if any students have meetings for their clubs are free to do so and miss this- em.. Semi-very important... meeting.. -Ahem- Thank you." He ends the announcement. "Well- That was something- I suppose that's our cue though. Let's go!" Phil says as he follows Skeppy into the hallway.

Finally at the stage, they meet up with Skeppy's dad who is currently speaking to some stage managers. Techno peeks out a bit from the curtain and sees many students walking in, finding seats, and waiting somewhat patiently. Usually, as someone who acts in movies, Techno wouldn't be nervous... but.. He saw someone he was hoping he wouldn't. It was Dream. Damn.. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... Why do I feel like shit?! Probably cause... I made him cry... And his saddened eyes are just stuck in my head.. Techno beats himself up a bit thinking about what had happened a week ago. He stays standing there looking at the ground. "Alright Alexander, everything is set. I'll be going up there and give regular announcements then I'll give you a cue for you to come up, alright?" Skeppy's dad asks as he fixes his ear piece to check his sound. Techno nods and Skeppy's dad walks out onto the stage...

While he is up there, Techno peeks out to see where Dream had sat down, he finds him easily as he is close and is wearing his dark green hood. Dream is only a few seats from the stage, Techno worries he may figure out he was "Alex" which- you know he was- is but well.. he still feels bad... Just as he closes the curtains again, the principal gives him a look, finishes his last sentence and gives Techno the cue.

                            ⤜Techno's POV⤛

He gives me the cue, I put in my ear piece and swiftly walk out to the stage. There is a moment of silence, some whispering here and there but no one has yet to figure out it's me. I take a quick breath and look up. "Hello, good morning. My name is A- Technoblade. I will be joining this academy to continue my educational prowess. I humbly ask for no trouble and no distractions by fans-" just as I finished that sentence, I hear screams, shrieks? Fuck it's the fangirls. "OH MY GOD ITS THE TECHNOBLADE!!" "OH MY GOD HES GOING TO OUR SCHOOL!!" You get the gist.. Some people actually start to run towards the stage while others still look confused. "Please, I don't want anyone to get hurt, please remain in your seats!" Some listen but there's always a few who just don't listen... Security does take them away and I get to somewhat finish my speech. As I am, I do glance over a few times in Dream's direction. He and his friends seem a bit shocked? Angry? I really cannot tell, the lights blackout the audience... All of a sudden the Skep's dad takes the mic and says the ending announcements, telling students they can continue classes and such. The big lights turn on and I immediately see Dream. His eyes meet mine and his are wide in shock probably? Not sure, the mask does cover half his face- Before I am able to say or do anything, Yulia comes up and ushers me off stage to the back. Shit.

              ⤜3rd POV⤛

The rest of that day was hell. I guess it would've just been better to be spotted around instead of announcing to everyone Techno was joining the school. Left, Right, Up, and Down- fans came and went. Some were nice and some were just... yeah... Techno couldn't even go to class without his classes being bombarded by fans. Might we also mention he has the same classes he had when he was "Alex", so once inside his classes that he had with Dream he in fact, did stare, in the halls he stared, everywhere he might've seen or thought he'd seen Dream he'd look over. It wasn't even a glance, it was a whole body-turn look to where ever he is. All but one person noticed this, well two, Phil and Skeppy saw this happening. Skeppy thought it was funny while Phil thought it was because he felt bad... Either way, it was as if a puppy was constantly looking for its owner...

Techno was constantly being crowded by people, Yulia did have to step in many times to help but thankfully most people were being respectful, giving him his personal space and being polite. At the end of the day Skeppy had a lot to say.

"Oh my goddddd. Tech do you know how many students tried to move classes?! The counselors and AP's have been flooded by requests to move classes! Unsurprisingly they were all to your classes..." Skeppy says fanning himself with the mini electric fan he had with him. "I thought that would happen... So what happened with them? Oh and I should go apologize to them." I look down. "You should, and as for the fans, they can't move this far into the year- Though it's only been a few months, they can't thankfully!" He smiles. "Good. -Sigh- Well, let me go apologize to the counselors real quick before Simon comes to pick me and Peggy up." We wave goodbye and I go to leave. Once there I knock and they let me in. "Oh! Hello dear, what brings you by? Need glasses again? Haha!" The lady that helped me last time laughs. "Haha! No, I'm actually here to apologize for the amount of  emails and stuff you all might've gotten from my fans trying to move classes." I smile weakly. "We had known this would happen, there's no need to worry or apologize! We're hustling glad you're here to learn. And we will protect your space for as long as we can!" She smiles and the rest of the counselors that were outside talking to one another agree. "Well- Still.. I'll be sure to repay you all for your hard work." The lady at the desk with pink flowers shakes her head, "No, no, sweetheart! There's no need for that!" She waves her hands dismissively. "I insist." As I go to take my phone to place orders for a gift for them, the door to an office opens and out comes- Dream?! And another counselor. Me and Dream make eye contact again and this time we stand there for longer. Through my blurry peripheral I see the other ladies glancing back and forth between me and Dream along with among themselves. I am the one to break this stare down first as I get a text front Simon saying he's here. "I...Uhm... My driver is here, I again am so sorry for the trouble I may have caused and hope you all have a wonderful day! Please, excuse me.." I quick rush out of there and run to the front where Skeppy is (still) there waiting on me.

"Yo- you good?" He asks. "I...Not right now. Simon is here, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Skep." I walk out and enter the limousine where Peggy is already waiting. Skeppy still behind me rushes over, "Hey wait are you sure??" I roll down the window as I close the door, "Yes. Fine. I'll tell you more later. Bye." I tell Simon to go and we leave Skeppy there. "Tech? You okay?" Peggy asks cautiously. "You look... distressed?" I take a deep breath. "Sorry, I just- uhh... It's nothing really. I'm just tired from dealing with fans all day is all.. they cause a bit of trouble and I'll be fixing it tomorrow, don't worry I'm fine." She seems to understand and nods leaving me alone for the rest of the day.

At home, you could say I was a mess. I felt so much guilt and genuinely thought Dream had figured everything out.. I guess you can say I panicked a bit.. No matter. I ordered gifts for the counselors and will be giving them to each one tomorrow. -Sigh- Tomorrow's another day.. haha... shit.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late night post, I had a huge headache today and had a sort of- party? Thing I did for school stuff and came home exhausted lol Hope you enjoyed and I'll see yall next week 😖

Final word count: 1686

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