☆~part 1~ ☆

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Okay so like I've never done headcannons before so pls forgive me 🙏

I'll do the headcannon and then do a small example underneath for some of them

Also drop any suggestions here since I'm not gonna make a whole chapter for it —>

Anyways here's the headcannons! ⬇️

1. he's the type to finish ur food for you
If you we're at a restaurant (or even at home) and u got full when you still had food left he'd just take it and eat it

2. He would try to do your hair like his and get angry when it doesn't work
He'd ask you if he could do your hair in 2 buns like his and he'd keep trying but soon give up and leave you with messy hair 😭
(Okay but like how does he even do it? The way he does the two buns look 😍 also how does he fight and they stay neat? Impressive tbh)

3. Would just have random outbursts of being mean to you (nothing too harsh) and then stop and feel bad
Kinda struggling to think of an example here uhhhh
Say you could just be chilling and he'd come up to you and say some mean stuff that sounds like a 10 year old made them, he'd apologise after if he was in a good mood

4. Randomly say something along the lines of "we're going out" and drag you out to somewhere nice regardless of whether you were dressed nice or not
You could just be sitting in ur room and he'd come up to you and say "cmon we're going out to (eg. Cinema)" and you'd have no choice but to go since he's walking out the house by then

5. Would hold your hand tight in busy places.
Especially in places such as parties where other guys might try to hit on u
Sometimes too tight, like to the point where it hurt but yk it's just Cus he cares

6. Wouldn't usually make the first move when it comes to sweet stuff such as linking arms or pinkies in public
You could be out maybe on a shopping spree and wouldn't do much of that, but if it's just you two or if it's really late he would

7. Something he does to show that he cares is ⬇️ (I don't know how to explain it)
Say u hurt urself on the corner of the table or something like that he'd say how he was gonna smash the table (something along those lines, yk?)

8. Would randomly come out with the weirdest things when u two where alone
"How's paint made?" "I think cheetahs are interesting tbh" "I've not seen Home Alone since Christmas" (the movie. Please tell me yk it???)

9. Would 100% be the more dominant one in any situation
Like big spoon and stuff
Though sometimes he might let you tease him if you seem to be enjoying it a lot

10. Would sometimes random shock you with his electricity
He would find it hilarious and you cant convince me otherwise
Though obviously not enough to hurt you, just a little more than an electric shock (the think you get sometimes when u touch ppl lmao)
This one's my personal fave


542 words

Im gonna do (try) 10 headcannons each part

Hope u enjoyed!! Tell me if u think any of them were (in ur opinion) wrong or if you had a fave!

Hajime Kashimo | headcannons Where stories live. Discover now