Chapter 4

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Phoenix was walking down the hallway to her locker to get something out of it . Everyone gets out of the tall warlords way , that was when she saw Ben , Audrey and some other boy and she can hear what they are saying Phoenix stops a few ways and hear's in . 

Chad: Those kids are trouble , and that pirate warlord that is her she's even worst . 

Ben : Come on , Chad . Give them a chance . Phoenix is not so bad when you get to know her better . 

Audrey : Oh . No offense Bennybear, but you're to trusting . Look I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who trued out to be a prince . But with my mom , the evil fairy was just the evil fairy . That girls mother . 

Ben was about to say something when a loud bang sounded right next to them , made the three jump Ben looks over and sees a giant gold hook and he pales and sees Phoenix standing there with her cigar in her mouth with a smirk . 

Phoenix : Well well well . Look what I have here , the next crowned king , a crybaby and I don't even know who you are nor do I care . If you want to talk behind someones back know this . 

Phoenix leans down to them and blows smoke in their face .

Phoenix : I will be the one listening in . 

With that Phoenix walks away to her next class with her coat swaying behind her . Phoenix sees Mal at her locker looks like she saw the whole thing . 

Phoenix : You saw that didn't you ? 

Mal : Yeah , thanks she was getting annoying . 

Phoenix : just hate when people talk behind backs , you're a coward if you do that . 

Mal was about to say something when she saw ben walking over , Phoenix turns and puffs out smoke . 

Ben : Hey . 

Mal : Hey .

Ben : How was your first day ? 

Mal : Super . 

Ben : You should really think about taking this off the locker and into art class . I could sign you up .What do you think?

Phoenix sees Jane come around the corner and she snaps he fingers , Mal looks at Phoenix and she points to Jane and Mal smirks and looks back at Ben . 

Mal : Way to take the fun out of it . 

Mal walks away to where Jane is and that left Phoenix and Ben . Phoenix takes a drag of her cigar  Ben looks at her . 

Ben : Phoenix , about few minutes ago I am sorry about them they just don't it , I want the kids on the island to have a better chance . 

Phoenix : Ben these things takes time , they just don't happen over night . Those brats over there do want a second chance but their parents are a lost cause I got lucky with my dad . Look to be a good king you have to trust yourself and push all the bad people out like you crybaby of a girlfriend and start doing something about it . Me as a warlord I had done a lot of bad things to get what I wanted because its fun but I knew it would make my father proud and me earning warlord . It's a lot of work but step on the weak and start making a name for yourself . 

Phoenix leaves to her next class and Ben stands there in his thoughts and thinks about what Phoenix said , in a way Phoenix was right but she had to pull some strings to get where she is now , he shakes his head and walks off . 

Time skip 

Phoenix walks into chem and sits with Doug and Evie , Phoenix blows smoke and rolls her eyes at Evie who looks at Chad with dreamy eyes . 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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