Chapter Eight

49 8 14

Shiggy: Shigaraki Tomura
Papagiri: Kurogiri
Dabi: Dabi
AFO: All for One
Toga: Himiko Toga
Mama Mags: Magne
Compress: Mr. Compress
Spinner: Spinner
Twice: Twice
Chicken: Hawks
Ares: Ares

League of Villains

Chicken: Hey Ares?

Ares: Yes?

Chicken: What's your quirk?
Chicken: Do you have like, a hacking quirk or something?

Shiggy: I thought we were waiting to ask that!

Chicken: I got curious! And I know you were too!

Ares: I don't know what a 'quirk' is. 
Ares: So no, I do not have one, I suppose.

Chicken: You.. don't know what a quirk is?

Compress: How can that be? Everyone in the world knows what a quirk is.

Twice: That's weird!
Twice: They're lying!!

Shiggy: How can you not know?

Ares: People in 2024 don't have 'quirks'. 

Dabi: Ares, it's 2110? 

Ares: No? Today is 05/13/2024?

AFO: I believe, that young Ares is from a different universe.
AFO: Seeing as they do not have a time related quirk.
AFO: Perhaps there is a reason they were put in this chat.

Shiggy: What do you think that reason is, sensei?

AFO: I do not know, young Tomura. But I will find out.
AFO: In the mean time, do make sure our guest  feels welcomed.

Shiggy: Yes sensei.


Private DMs

Ares: So why do you call that guy sensei?

Shiggy: He took me in when I was younger
Shiggy: And I'm not calling him dad, so sensei it is
Shiggy: He taught me everything I know

Ares: So-
Ares: Let me get this straight.
Ares: A strange man found you on the streets
Ares: Took you in
Ares: And now he's your villain sensei??
Ares: That doesn't seem a little odd to you?

Shiggy: Well when you put it like that
Shiggy: Yes

Ares: I don't know him, I won't judge.
Ares: But I don't think he likes me.

Shiggy: Why wouldn't he like you?
Shiggy: You're like, my brother
Shiggy: Or some shit.

Ares: Awww, you finally admitted it
Ares: I knew you cared about me

Shiggy: Oh shut it! I do not!

Ares: Do toooooo


League of Villains

Ares: Someone tell Tomura that he actually does care about me.

Shiggy: Stop lying to them.
Shiggy: I don't care about you!!

Ares: Well now I might actually cry-

Shiggy: I didn't mean it like that!!!

Ares: Too late, the tears are rolling

Mama Mags: Shigaraki! How could you say that to sweet Ares??
Mama Mags: Apologize to your brother right now!

Shiggy: Tch.
Shiggy: I'm sorry Ares.

Ares: Buy me a pudding cup or you're lying.

Shiggy: I bought you a pudding cup yesterday, what the fuck!!

Ares: Then it seems you aren't sorryy!

Chicken: Are we just going to ignore the fact that Ares is from a different universe?

Shiggy: I forgot we were talking about that.

Ares: So that's what you guys meant by villains and heros.

Toga: Do you not have those in your universe, Ares-kun?

Ares: We have cops, and of course stupid criminals, but no one trying to take over the world
Ares: Which is stupid, why take over something you can't control?
Ares: No one can control the entire world. You'd just kill it.

Shiggy: And what if they had the strongest player?

Ares: It still wouldn't work! There are millions of people in the world.
Ares: You'd need even more than millions to try to get people to listen.
Ares: People will see the light, and follow it.
Ares: But once a stronger light comes along, they'll move on.

Shiggy: The world needs changing though.

Ares: It does need changing, but you must start small.
Ares: Take over a city, then a state, then a country. And slowly make your way through them.
Ares: Eventually, you'll have so many countries that the rest of the world will join you willingly.
Ares: You must do it in good faith though, or the people will rebel.

Twice: Nicely said!
Twice: You sounded stupid!

Ares: Thank you Twice.

Shiggy: Fine, we'll start small.

Ares: Wait, what??
Ares: What do you mean Tomura?

Dabi: Boss, you said we weren't gonna mention it!

Toga: Shiggy fucked up~

Shiggy: Oh would you look at the time-
Shiggy: I forgot to walk my.... fish?

Ares: You don't own a fish.


God I love chaos. Wonder how Ares is going to react to that! Who knows, he might join the heros and try to stop them! HAH! Gotcha- This wouldn't be a villain fic if they did!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! We're almost at 150 reads! Thank you so much everyone, it truly means a lot! Don't forget to join the discord!

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