Let's See What You Got!

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First thing Greg did when he woke up was check the time on his phone; 8:50. Next thing he did, call Tashi...

She answered after the second ring, "Hey Greg."
She sounded like she just woke up.

"Please tell me last night wasn't a dream," he almost pleaded.

"We confessed, we kissed, we're dating," she reminded, amusement in her still tired voice.

"Thank fuck," he sighed and he heard giggling. "It just feels too good to be true."

"I know what you mean. My big dream is going pro, but I also wanted to tell you how I felt..."

"I never gave up on that; I had faith that we'd see each other again."

"So it all worked out in the end, anyway!"

They both laughed a bit.

"So, do you have any plans for today?" he asked. "Besides our match?"

"Actually, I have a match to observe later in the afternoon," she answered. "Between Fire & Ice."

Greg sat up straight, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

"Take it down a notch, honey. I told them yesterday that I'd watch it."

"Are they competing for your number?"

She chuckled, "I said whoever wins can TEXT me, but I never promised I'd text back!"

"You are a fucking tease!" he told her in a playful tone, which only made her laugh hysterically. "So listen, how about we meet on the court in an hour and a half, have our match, get some lunch, then we go watch "Fire & Ice" together?"

"You wanna see them in action?" she asked curiously.

"Scout the competition," he responded, shrugging.

"Alright, sounds like a plan."

"See ya then."

"See ya."



Tashi arrived to the court a couple minutes after Greg had. He was dressed head to toe in Under Armour gear, just as much as she dressed in gear from Adidas. He was also currently bouncing a ball on the edge of his racket without any mistakes.

He didn't even have to look to know she was there, "Miss Hurricane has arrived!"

"Trying to impress me?"

He looked at her while still bouncing the ball without fail, "Just killing time, and testing myself."

He hit the ball over to her, which she caught in her left hand, then walked over and kissed her. Which she happily returned. She hadn't told her parents about their new relationship yet; she decided to make that a surprise of her own.

Once they separated, Tashi warned, "Don't think I'll go easy on you just cause you're my boyfriend."

"I wouldn't ask you to," he responded before putting on a red-colored Under Armour baseball cap.


Even though it was an unofficial match; playing against Greg was the toughest game she'd ever played! Things never got one-sided; every hit was met with equal force. It was truly a display of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, or two forces of nature colliding.

Tashi Duncan's True MatchWhere stories live. Discover now