7: Confessions

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I walk back to my hole, an apple and a full water jug in hand. I sit down on the edge, with my legs hanging inside. I begin to eat me apple, keeping myself preoccupied by kicking my feet again the dirt. Stanley, Zigzag, X-Ray, magnet, and Squid all sat/stood around Mom's truck, all eating their own crackers and chips and drinking water out of their now full jugs. I could hear them, but I wasn't really listening.

Zigzags pov:

"What is a girl like that doin here?" X-ray laughed, Squid and Magnet laughed with him. "Remember the shock on her face! Looking around here like it was the dump, man!" Magnet laughed. I ignored them.

As much as I wanted to make fun of Dolly, as much as I wanted to dislike her like the rest of the boys, I couldn't. I couldn't get myself to hate the giggle she makes when she gets to read her magazines, or the pigtails she wears when shes digging and the the way her hair looks after she washed it, or even her stupid butterfly necklace. God, I hated that I couldn't hate her. And of course I had to kiss her, just to make things more complicated in this shit hole.

Stanley laughed, "God, I walked in the tent last night and she basically yelled at me just for putting my bag down too loud! Shes such a bitch!" He laughed.

"The fuck you just say?" I asked, sitting up. Stanley's face went pale. "I said, what the fuck did you just say, Stanley." I stood up, looking down at Stanley. I scoffed, he really wasn't going to say it again, was he?

At this point Squid, Magnet, and X-Ray stood up, watching the situation go down. "God Stanley, you are such a little bitch," I chuckled, grabbing Stanley by his color and bringing him up so he was standing.

Harriett pov:

I looked up from my hole, Zigzag was yelling at Stanley. What the hell? Suddenly Zigzag yanked Stanley up from the collar of his shirt and punched him. I immediately got up, running over to the boys. X-Ray and Squid were holding ZigZag back while Stanley held his bleeding nose.

"Magnet, what happened?" I asked. "Stanley called you a bitch, man, and then Zig punched him in the face!" Magnet laughed.

"What do you mean Zig punched Stanley? Were they arguing before?" I asked, wide eyed.

"No man, we were all talking and suddenly, boom! Stanleys on the ground and Zigs getting held back!" Magnet shook his head laughing.

"Okay, thats enough! Return to your holes!" Mom got inbetween Stanley and ZigZag. "Now, If you are done with your hole return to camp, and if you arent get digging NOW!" He demanded. Most of the boys got their shovels and started walking back to camp, leaving only me and Zigzag.

Neutral pov:

Harriet quietly walked back to her hole and jumped in, grabbing her shovel and beginning to dig. ZigZag stared at the girl before returning to his hole next to hers. They dug in silence for a few minutes before Harriett broke it.

"Why did you do it?" She asked, holding her shovel in place and turning towards ZigZag.

"Why did I do what?" ZigZag asked, not looking up from digging.

"You punched him. Magnet told me it was because Stanley called me a bitch," Harriet stood up from her hole.

"Oh, yeah I guess," Zigzag shrugged.

Harriet rolled her eyes, "You're so annoying. You kiss me and then ignore me all day and then you punch Stanley because he called me a bitch. And you're still ignoring me. So do you like or not?" She dropped her shovel and put her hands on her hips. ZigZag kept his back to her, not wanting to look her in the eyes.

"Oh my god! He called me a bitch and you hit him! You- You like me! Oh my god!" Harriett yelled, connecting the dots.

"No!" Zigzag yelled, his face turning pink. "Oh really," Harriet laughed, tilting her head to the side.

"Fine! I like you. I really, really like you." He sighed, jumping out of his hole and walking over to Harriets. "Dolly, Im sorry for ignoring you." He reached a hand out for her, Harriett grabbed it, letting the boy pull her out of the hole.

"I understand, I guess," Harriet crossed her arms, ZigZag looked up. "But, you were a total asshole to me."

"Im sorry Dolly, Im a dick. And I-" Zigzag started rambling, putting his hand in his hair,

"Oh shut up," Harriett rolled her eyes as she put her hands on his face and kissed him. Zigzag melted into the kiss Harriett wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with his hair while he wrapped his hands around her waist. They stayed wrapped together until the two had to pull away for air, pulling away only look each other in the eyes.

"Its hot out here," She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. Zigzag nodded before taking her hand, leading her back to camp. The two walked back, talking with smiles on their face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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