Chapter 14: Love

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I returned to the palace with Alexandr, Linc, and Artemus after the opera social hour concluded. I was thoroughly exhausted, sinking deeply into the carriage’s seats and blinking hard. Darkness enveloped the exterior, a gentle candle pushing back from the interior of a brass lantern. I was entirely alone, my husbands all occupying the carriage behind mine. The ride to the palace was silent, save for clicking of the carriage horses’ shoes as they trotted along the stone road.

I felt the carriage slow to a stop, glancing outside to see Marie standing in front of the palace. The door opened, a footman reaching in a hand to help me. “Good evening, Your Highness. I hope you enjoyed the opera.” Marie said, curtsying to me.

“It was lovely, Marie. Thank you.”

“Of course, Your Highness. What would you like to do now?”

I thought for a moment, considering my options. I glanced back at the men’s carriage as it finally stopped in front of the palace. “I am going to change into my nightgown. Please inform Lord Maxim’s valet that I intend to visit him tonight.”

Marie bowed her head, entering the palace alongside me. When we eventually reached the Imperial Wing, she continued toward the harem as I paused outside of my chambers. “I think it is time to finally give him the attention he desires,” I uttered to myself, pushing the door open.

Marie quickly returned, helping me take off my dress and jewelry. She pulled the decorative pin from my hair, releasing it from its tight updo. “You are ready, Your Highness,” Marie said, a soft smile appearing on her face as she handed me my silk robe. "And do enjoy!"

I smiled at her, nodding my head. “Thank you, Marie. You are dismissed.”

She curtsied a final time before disappearing into the staff halls. I turned my attention to my next destination: Artemus.


I stood outside of his door, knocking gently. It wasn’t long before Artemus opened the door, his toothy grin shining brightly as he invited me in. “Welcome, Your Highness. I’ve been expecting you.”

Artemus shut the door softly as I walked into his chambers, my eyes picking details from around the room. His walls were dark, gold accents appearing in spiraling patterns. The same tapestry of Kareveth that hung in his ambassador’s chambers found its new home on the harem wall, the chrysanthemums shimmering as I studied them. I suddenly felt hands wrap around my waist, soft lips pressing into the base of my neck. Artemus leaned into my shoulder, his gentle breaths washing warmly over my skin. “I’m glad you came, my love,” he murmured, speaking into my shoulder.

I turned slowly, bringing a hand up to caress his face. “As am I, Artemus.”

I brought my other hand around his neck, pulling him closer to my face. Our eyes locked onto one another, my eyelids hanging heavily as I briskly traded his eyes for his lips. Artemus leaned closer, our noses brushing together. We lingered there for a moment, my heart racing. “Artemus,” I murmured, my fingers twirling a strand of hair just above his neck.


“Kiss me.”

He grinned, leaning down and kissing me. Artemus began slowly, but as I kissed him, the intensity gradually grew. Clearly, he had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. He walked into me, guiding me backwards. Gently, he pushed me back against his desk, trapping me between his body and the wooden surface. I drew circles on his neck as he leaned over me, kissing me harder. My hands glided down his shoulders, a shiver running through his body as his lips shifted down to my neck. “My love,” he breathed between kisses, his words tickling my skin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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