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We see Izuku,Tracer and Widowmaker Up Early in the Morning Packing 

Tracer: Bathing Suits 

Widowmaker: check

Tracer: Our Own Blankets

Izuku: Check

Tracer: Car Games 

Izuku: Also Check 

They saw Izuku's Girlfriends as he kissed each of them

Izuku: I'll Miss you all

Girls: We will Too

Eri: Have Fun Daddy

Izuku: I will Eri

They said their Goodbyes and Left as Izuku was in the back and in his moms in the front

Tracer: so This Resort has a Beach 

Izuku: That could be fun

Widowmaker: Make Sure to wear a shirt 

Izuku: Why

Tracer: Izuku We've seen you without a shirt on Your like a Greek god 

Izuku: True 

Tracer: Oh it's Supposed to Storm sometime on the trip

Izuku: *Scared* No Storms 

Widowmaker: Your still scared of them 

Izuku: uh Yea I don't scream because I usually have my Girlfriends with me 

Tracer: If it storms you can sleep with us

Widowmaker: You Baby him too Much 

Tracer: he's my Baby Boy 

Izuku; I am an Adult

Tracer: and You'll always be my baby boy 

Widowmaker: remember that one Time when you first had to ground him 

Tracer: I felt so Bad 

Izuku: I Blew up a Microwave I'm pretty sure it was Justified 

Tracer: Ooo Remember when You,Rocket,Groot and Gojo went and fought a Gang Just because They had cool Bandannas 

Izuku: Best fight I Ever Had

Widowmaker; You were quite the Trouble maker *Smiles* Kinda Miss those Days

Izuku: You Know I still don't Know how Mom Made you fall in Love with her

Tracer: Wanna Tell Him 

Widowmaker: Well I used to work for talon but I was brainwashed

Izuku: Really

Tracer: yep she was Originally gonna Marry a Guy named Gerard 

Widowmaker: and Overwatch Rescued me but I was brainwashed as A Sleeper Agent and I Killed Him then I Fled To Talon and Became Widowmaker

Tracer: I was one of the few People who still saw Good Inside her so I fought Her Over and Over Again then I got her to snap out of it 

Widowmaker: I broke down Crying and was a Mess for Years Until we got close 

Tracer: and Begun to date 

Izuku; That's awesome 

Widowmaker: *Smiles* wanna Know something cool

Izuku: Sure

Tracer: We Only went on Two Dates Before We found you

Izuku: Really

Widowmaker: yep and You made mine and Tracers Love Grow

Izuku: *Smiles* I'm glad you found Me

Both: Us Too

Izuku: Are you even married 

Widowmaker: Wait Tracer Are We 

Tracer: *Looks at Hand* nope I ain't got a Ring 

Widowmaker: hmmm We'll have to do so in the Future 

Tracer: Agreed

Izuku: "One of them is gonna Propose on this Trip"

Widowmaker: "I'm Proposing on this Trip"

They Drove as The began to Play car Games Having fun





Would You all Like a Bonus Chapter of Tracer Breaking Widowmaker's Brain Washing 

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