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Lorenzo's POV

As I opened my eyes, Ivy's tear-stained face greeted me, her eyes blazing with a mix of anger and frustration. I knew she was still seething from our last argument, but I was confident my charm and affection would soon win her over.

I brushed a gentle kiss across her cheek, and she snuggled deeper into my embrace, her resistance weakening. I chuckled to myself, knowing my tactics always worked.

As my gaze drifted to the clock, I noticed it was half past 8. I never slept this much, but with Ivy in my arms, I felt a sense of comfort and security. She was so fragile and delicate, and I was determined to protect her from harm.

I kissed her forehead, and she burrowed deeper into my chest, her face hidden from view. I tightened my hold around her, stroking her hair, and felt a sense of control wash over me. She was mine, and I would never let her go.

I hugged her not wanting to let her go as she stirred and her movements began to increase. She peeked from chest and her soft lips brushed at my jaw as a shiver ran down. I looked down and my eyes met her dark brown orbs as I said.

"Good morning my love" I said in my morning voice as she replied.
"G-Good morning" her voice soft and soothing.

As she spoke, her voice was like a warm breeze on a summer day, gentle and soothing. But beneath the soft tone, I detected a hint of fear, a tremble of uncertainty. I smiled, my eyes locked on hers, and replied, "Did you sleep well, my love?" My voice was low and husky, still rough from sleep, but also laced with a hint of possessiveness. Ivy's gaze faltered, and she looked away, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape.

I knew she was still intimidated, still cowed by my latest outburst. But I was determined to keep her close, to keep her mine. I stroked her hair, my fingers tangling in the soft strands, and pulled her closer.

"You're mine now, Ivy. Forever and always." My voice was low and husky, still rough from sleep, but also laced with a hint of possessiveness I was determined to keep her close, to keep her mine. I stroked her hair, my fingers tangling in the soft strands, and pulled her closer. "You'll never leave me, Ivy. I won't let you."

Ivy's eyes widened as I pulled her closer, my grip on her hair tightening. "You'll never leave me, Ivy. I won't let you." My voice was low and menacing, but I couldn't help myself. I was consumed by a desire to possess her, to keep her mine.

She struggled against me, but I held her firm, my lips crashing down on hers in a fierce kiss. She tried to push me away, but I was too strong, too determined. And yet, deep down, I knew I was hurting her, scaring her. But I couldn't stop myself, not yet.

As I kissed her, Ivy's body trembled beneath mine, her lips soft and unresponsive. I knew she was afraid, but I couldn't help myself. I was addicted to her, to the feeling of possessing her.

My hands roamed her body, claiming her as mine, and she whimpered, trying to push me away. But I held her fast, my grip unyielding. Suddenly, she bit my lip, hard, and I growled, pulling back.

Her eyes flashed with defiance, and for a moment, I saw a glimmer of the old Ivy, the one who had stood up to me, who had fought back. And in that moment, I knew I had to have her, all of her, no matter what it took.

Ivy's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing through me. "Y-you'll n-never have all of me, L-Lorenzo," she stuttered, her voice venomous. "Y-you may have my b-body, but my m-mind, my h-heart, they'll always be f-free." I smiled, a cold, calculated smile. "We'll see about that," I said, my voice low and menacing. And with that, I pulled her back into my embrace, my lips claiming hers once more.

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