- rj, hc

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ive got a strong feeling that noren might actually be together cus y was jeno looking at renjun like that when he was pretending to kiss jaemin


"yeah, well when we look at the graph-"


"here, haechan." renjun points as he looks at haechan's eyes. "you're acting like you're looking for your lost son."

"it feels like it." haechan calms down. "what do i do with the graph?"


haechan and renjun were never really that close. they liked the same video games but that really was the only thing that got them to know each other.

ever since renjun moved in marks house as his school was closer to the olders home, haechan had to put up with another baby in the house. which renjun is apparently more baby than he was.

yes, he is the original baby. he moved in with mark and his mom in the ass crack of middle school, he didn't want to go back and forth from train station to train station every day, luckily marks mom was nice enough to let him stay for as long as he wanted.

renjun didn't bother haechan much because he didn't really walk through marks home. all he knows is that his own room is near the front door, the kitchen, and the bathroom.

marks home had become a little hangout place for their friends, usually they'd all stay over for no reason at all.

something has changed over the past few months, somehow, haechan was trying to get closer to renjun instead of being feisty.

renjun hums a little song to himself, making his way through marks house looking for a place to study at.

he makes a left, and-

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" he squeals, accidentally slapping haechan

"what the fuck?!" haechan frowned "that hurt."

"i know. why are you just standing there anyway!?"

"i'm trying to see if i'm taller than jeno! he's three cartoon rulers taller than this light switch. i'm 2 and a half. i don't think you're taller than this light switch."

"i am. dumbass. also what the hell?"

haechan shrugged "why are you even walking around?"

"trying to find a place where i can study."


renjun rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall beside him and haechan. also where the light switch was. "jisung and chenle took over my room because it had a working game console, mark hyung's nowhere to be found, jeno and jaemin are making out in the living room, its fucking cold outside."

"game console. nerd. just say playstation." haechan scoffs "then study in my room."

"since when did you have your own room?"

"i've been living here rent free for the past 10 years because mark hyung and his mom love me more than they love you."

"he kisses me goodnight."

"ew." haechan muttered, holding renjuns hand on the way to his room. "by the way, if you get blinded by the sun, which i doubt because you're already too blind for that, my curtain rod is broken and you might have to get up on the chair to pull it aside so it doesn't break into two pieces."

"aw, you trust me enough to get on your chair?"

"i just want you to fall down and get hurt."

"are you threatening me?"

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